chapter 2

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I fallowed Ryan off stage into the croud of rialed up men. I was getting hard slaps on my back and shout outs like, "You guys were AWESOME" and "COME BACK AGAIN" I smiled, another hard rockin gig. I smiled as I ran over to put my bass back and get the rest of my stuff.

After we got everything into the cars we walked around to a convenyent store. As we walked in heads turned, its not really every day you see a bunch of rialed up teenage metal heads walk into a store with the smell of burnt dust, second hand smoak, and screaming 'cause their ear drums are still ringing.

I guess they were used to it or figured it was because there is a venue a block away. We kept walking and screaming to each other. I walked over to the chips with everyone fallowing me right behide me. Suddenly I stopped making everyone behind me crash into Peter who stopped before he hit me.

"Oh my god you guys look so dumb on the floor!" I laughed and then relized how loud I was talking when my hearing just started to come back. People walking pass the hall gazed at us with puzzled faces.

I turned back to look down at them holding a hand out to Ryan. "So where we sleeping tonight?" Its anual to sleep over someone in the bands house after a gig.

"Ours." Ace said it sudden and quick and glared at Peter when he did.

"Uhm okay?" I said turning around and rumiging through the bags of chips and junk food. Hunter and Ace went off to go find soda while Ryan Peter and I grabbed as much junk food as we could and head for the counter. They guy at the cash register looked up from his phone at the pile of shit we placed infront of him. "I got this you guys go find Ace and Hunter.

The guy looked at me and smiled as the boys walked away. "Wow this is a lot of food just for the 3 of you."

"Their is 5 of us and I'll be eatting most of it."  I looked down as he scaned the food up.

"You guys all in like a gang or something?" he stutterd out. This had me laughing my ass off. Doesnt he know that he lives in 2011 not 1960s?

"No we are in a trash band!" I was trying to get the words out between giggles. The guy now had hot red cheeks.

"Wow do I feel dumb founded," he muttered, "What band?"

"Hell's Death we just came from the venue down the street." I spoke now able to ketch my breath.

"Ay I've heard of you guys, your pretty good."

I smiled "Ha thanks but I'm sure you mean awesome." He grined and finnished checking the bags of food. I looked over my sholder to see the rest coming with each 2 letter bottles of soda in their hands. "Wow." I heard come from behind me.

I turneed to face him again, "Yeah?"

"You guys are all more intimidating in person with like black on black with leatherd jackets and stuff."

"Them? They are like little poodles they wouldnt hurt a fly." I felt a punch hit my sholder as someone else hit me over the head.

"Ya see?" I winced as I recovering from the shrap pain now shooting though my elbow. I unzipped my jacket and let it fall free of my left sholder. I looked up at the dude and remebered I was exsposing stomach and a belly ring. I looked over at Ace who was now about to punch the guy but instead ordered him to finish checking out the stuff.

"You made a brouse you jerk!" I turned to look at Hunter who was smerking to him self but that vanashed when I kicked his shin and started laughing as his face cringed from the sudden pain. Ahh reveng is nice.

The guy put our stuff in the bags and we paid, Ace and Ryan being as crazy and hyper as they already were grabbed the bags and ran for the door. The casheir took notice that my brother was gone and asked "Hey, whats your name by the way, I'm Evan."

I looked at him and decided  I should tell him mine, "My name's Ivy."

"Ivy..." he knoded, "Can I have your number?" I smiled, normaly people dont get away with this, will he? Nope.

"Back off we dont need you curupting her mind." Hunter scouled from behind me. I swear they are my dad just formed to be 16. They dont like any guy that trys to pick up on me, I really dont know why but they dont.

Suddenly he dared to do somthing he shouldnt have. He grabbed my wrist and stuck up for me, "Its her choice what are you her body gard? You guys arnt even a famouse band yet people can talk to her. Psh I bet your not even that good!" He then took it over board.

I turned with all my wieght behide my fist and... well lets say he cant have kids now. "Dont isult my band pussy." I walked away as tears rolled down his cheek. I looked to see Peter and Hunter both winsed and I could tell they felt bad for the guy but were laughing at him.

I walked out my hands clutched to my side. "What took you guys so long?" Ace cherped up.

"I had to nuder the chashure before we left."

"What he do?"

"Insulted the band." HE smiled and gave me a high five, "Man you are just pounding on everyone arnt you?"

"She called him a pussy!" Peter came out of the door laughing.

"Yeah she nailed him in the nuts I could feel his pain trust me he started to cry." Ace had a smile on his face the whole time.

"Haha thats my sister!" He slung his arm over me then shoved me into the van.

-later that night-

I sat in the family room stairing at the wall while I was waiting for the boys to come back from what ever they said they were doing. I got up to a sitting postion and scaned the room and felt empty bags to try and find food but we already ate EVERYTHING and its only been 2 hours, not to mention we drank all the soda, I was about to barf.

I closed my eyes and tryed to relax off my shaking hyped up body, still over dosed from adrenalen too. Suddenly I felt hands grab my ancels and wrist. My eyes shot open and I tosed my whole body around to find it was no use, each one of them had me up in the air and carrying me out side.

"What the fuck are you doing!?"  They all laughed as my eyes wided because we were on the top deck above the pool. Yes 20 feel above a 5 foot deep pool, this wasnt going to go over quite well.

"Little fuckers." I mutterd as they swung me back and forth.

When they got to two I satarted to panic.  "Let me go I'll do anything."

"Have a nice trip!" I heard Ace sing as they let me go and I screamed at the top of my lungs as I headed for the water. "Im gonna d-" I was cut off as I was sumergerd by the the water and I swear I head a crack, hoping it was just my imagenation, but it felt so real I sucked in a big thing of water into my lungs and slowly watched my world fade to black.

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