chapter 15

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'He know what happened last night.' I said hoping Ace would wake up to my voice, but he didnt.

"Well I gotta go, nice talking to ya." I turned on my heals and walked with my head dont but then crashed into something hard.

"God damn it man, stop working out." I said rubbing my head and looking up. "There I gave you my holy advise now you may not talk to me any more, okay bye." I went to walk around him but he picked me up and flung me over his sholder. Should I call for help now? I pondered that question as he started walking torwds a tree.

"What the hell man?" I thumped my fit on his back and kicked his stomach a couple time but didnt get enough force to make him cripple over. We got a little deeper into the woods when he finaly put me down. I lifted my foot and kicked him in the stomach. I felt a mine swer a little making my wanna through up.

He bent over with the sudden pain, "I can aim lower if you would like." I said then ran as fast as I could before he could grab hold of me. I would have gone into wolf form but he is probably twice as fast in wolf form.

'Peter you awake?' with in a couple seconds he replied.

'Where the hell are you!?"

'Well some one is a little grumpy in the morning.' I teased.

'Where are you.' His voice was firiouse.

'Well you promas not to fli-'


'I'm being chased after by duche bag in human form and I am bout a half a mile away from the house.' I spat it all out, I really didnt know how far I was from the house, nor did I know what direction to go it, but I was not about to stop right now to ask Briten. I guess it was just me and my gut now.

'Ivy! what the hell are toy think!? He can kill you! I'm on my way out.'

'No Peter. Stay, I just need you there so I know I can stop running once I get passed to door.' I looked behind me just to see Briten change in mid air then land still running.

'SHIT IM SCRUED!' I shouted in my mind.

'Ivy change!'  for some odd reason I couldnt though.

'I can't.' I said in a paniced tone. The house started to come into view and even though Briten was now running along side me he didnt make a motion to try and rip my head off.

I saw Peter run into the woods with Ace and Hunter along side him. It was only a few feet away it still felt like I was going to have to run for ever.

And when all else could only got better I tripped. All my volosity stopped and my accselatration when from 30mph to 0 within 2 seconds and all my potenshal energy wen strait from my face into the dirt. You can just imagen how much that hurt.

I looked up from where I was nesseled in the grass and dirt, I saw 3 wolfs allready to tackel one. That one that stood out numered and really fucked up. Had a little blood straeming down from its forhead.

My forhead was stinging and then I noticed that  I was bleeding, a lot, too. I relized what was happening but before I could say anything Ace went in and scrached the leg of Briten. I screamed with a huge paine comeing from my arm. I looked down and saw 4 long deep gasges slowly forming with blood drooling down from it. I covered it putting as much preshure as I could, my hands were covered in dirt and it stung when it came in contact with the open gashes.

I felt another paine shoot through my side as I watched someone else clamp down on Briten's side.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!"  I screamed as loud as I could, "GUYS STOP!" tears were now strolling down my cheeks and blood filling my shirt, my jaket, which I had already took off was just out of reach so I couldnt use it to put around any cuts or anything.

Great, close to death again.  I felt someone's strong warm arms reach down and pick me up.

I watched as the woods abliviated and I was inside the house. I closed my eyes and waited, maybe hoping that I would wake up and the pain would dissapear or maybe waiting to see if I would wake up into yesterdays morning and find out that I wasnt a werewolf and they were still just all a mith. Was it really yestorday that the pancake fight happened? Seemed almost a week has passed.

I was lying on the couch when I heard foot steps come into the room. I opened my eyes to see Hunter standing there.

"Sorry Ivy. We didnt know that that would happen." He wissperd.

"Its okay, I didnt til lright before." I winsed as I sat up, my side was swelling and same with my fore arm. I closed my eyes to relax the pain.

"Lay back down, we are gonna take you to the walk-in, in a minute." My eyes shot open when Hunter said 'walk-in'.

"Nooo you cant take me there, they will wonder what bit my and then wonder how I got 4 even out scraches on my arm." I tried to scane my mind for every reason on why not to go there then Ace and Peter came in and told me to shut up.

"This my hurt a little." Ace slurred then shoved a towel into my mouth. I looked over at Peter confused as he lifted up my shirt then took out his pocket knife and pressed it agents the first bright mark. He dragged it, like conect the dots. I screamed and bit as hard as I could on the towle. They were all gonna get a beaten when I was done with them.

He flipped my over then did the same to the other side, then Ryan walked in with a wet soapy towle.  Ace had to hold the towle in my mouth and keep me from cussing them out.

I looked down at my side that I just watched them cut. it was deep, alomost as deep at the teath marks and I felt a tear come to my eye but I heald it back, I was not just bout ot become the weeker person here. Sonofabitches.

Peter, which by now if you havent figured out by now is my mate, but I still dont want to admit it cause that just seems plane wierd, picked me up and brought me over to the car. Once we were all in. Me in back between Peter and Ryan and Ace driving and Hunter in passanger, we drove off to the clinek. Yay my favorite place... woot woot.

I leaned back in my seat and staired out the window, "I hate you guys right now."

"Dont worry, we know." Hunter muttered back.

"I thought sence I am a wolf now I would be able to heal faster and how the fuck did I get atached to some freak who's not even my mate." I rambeld on a string of questions.

"Not in human form.... You do know who your mate is right?" Ace asked not answering my last question. I sighed, odviously they all know who I'm mated to and they are hopeing I knew too.

"Yeah." I said shyly. I am kinda glad that Peter is my mate though, well refering to everyone else in the pack, he the cutest one there.

We pulled up to the walk-in and got out of the car. I walked hastely, cause of pain, but also cause I really didnt wanna go in there.

"You know we can always go back now, it never too late-" I keeped running my mouth about how I didnt need stiches and a bunch of stuff that wasnt true but I wsa cut off when Peter kissed me.

Sorry maybe your eyes are fucked up but yes I said KISSED me.

"Thank you, Peter for shutting her up, but thats not the kinda way I like my sister to be treated." Peter laughed and Ryan and Hunter were no laughing at my face exspretion. Tha made Ace laugh a little too.

Step one was competed...

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