Emily and Jane

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So what did your dad say about the fight Jane asked. You've couldn't of waited in till school tomorrow Emily asked. I always come to your house after school but really what did he say Jane said. Nothing much Emily said. Did you see the look on Alissa's face when she seen your dad. Emily smirked. Yeah I did she replied. She was all like holy crap Jane said. Emily and Jane walked behind Emily's house. Do you want to swing on the swings she said then looked over at the old swing set. Sure Jane said then she sat on one of the swings. Emily went over and sat on the swing next to her. What are you going to do the next time Alissa wants to fight Jane asked. I don't know Emily said. Maybe I can help Jane said. Emily looked at her. Are you sure she asked. Yeah I can handle her Jane said. If you want you could Emily said then started swinging. What about Kim and Lacey Jane asked. They won't fight. Why not Jane asked. They might brake a nail Emily said sarcastically. Jane laughed. What if we get in trouble Jane asked. I'll make sure we won't.

I bet I can jump the fairest Jane said. It's on Emily said then jumped off the swing and landed on her feet. Is that all you got jane said then jumped. She landed on her knees. Jane was a little farther then Emily. Emily got back on the swing. I'm going to try now she said. Jane got up and went back to the swing. They both started swinging back in forth. Jane jumped then Emily. This time Emily was farther then Jane. Did it Emily said. I was going easy on you Jane said. Now what Emily asked. I have to go home now but I'll see you tomorrow at school Jane said to Emily. Ok by. Jane started walking back to her house. Emily went back inside the house. She went upstairs and back to her room. Emily looked at the clock on her dresser. It was 5:02 O'clock. Emily herd a knock at the front door. She looked down the stairs. James opened the front door.

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