Mark and max

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(Sorry this took so long but I promise i will be making them faster)

Emily banged on the trunk. Well this sucks she said.

One hour later the let Emily out. It was dark and rainy out. Finely she said then jumped out. Someone blindfolded her and tied her hands with a rope. Walk someone said. She started walking. She heard a door open then close. She was pushed down into a chair then her blindfold was taken off. There was a light in her eyes. Who are you she asked. The better question is who are you a guy asked behind the light. You turn that stupid light off I might tell you Emily said. He turned the light off. I'm Emily Whitey she said. Are you the daughter of James whitey the person asked. Yea now who are you. Wow the boss is going to like this on of the men said. I'm mark and this is max he said. Ok...... Mark and max why I'm I here Emily asked.
Well your father whitey didn't pay us the 5 million mark said.
Why does he she asked.
Because he did something pretty bad and if he doesn't want us telling he has to pay up max replied. What did he do?
He killed somebody mark said.
Your father is a bad guy max said then he left the room.
So you think shooting him in the foot and taking me is going to speed up the process Emily asked as she struggled to get of the rope.
It's not what I wanted its what the boss wanted mark said.
So what now Emily asked.
Your just going to sit here and do nothing mark said then left. Emily
Kept trying to get out of the rope. But the chair fell over.

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