A month later, Muradin and his band of dwarves came back. Then they all prepared themselves if the elves attack them again. Then the sky turned red. ''That is not a storm. It is something.'' Thrall said. Then rocks with the green fire came down from the burning skies. One hit near the town. Then it stood up, creating a body. It headed towards them.'' Oh no. Defend the town!'' Antodinas shouted. Then the humans and orcs headed the rock-guy and slashed it. But it did not damage him. All milee units that attacked him burned with the green fire and died.'' Wait. If fire is to ice, ice is to water then water is to fire!" Atondinas said. Then Jaina spawned sea elementals that attacked the monster and Atondinas controlled the sea (hardly trying not to bring the ships to the monster) and hurled it to it. Then he returned the water to the sea. The monster died. But it still keeps raining of the meteors in the hearth of Kalimdor. It is like a burning leigon.
The Human Race
RandomThe Humans are in grave danger of becoming extinct and become a new race, the cruel undead. To stop that from happening, the king of lordaeron,the human's capital city sent an expedition to the Northern lands and find a new home where they can be sa...