I'm a creature built from everyone's combined imagination,
There is nothing original about me or who I am,
I was criticized ever since school started,
I am always having to prove myself,
No one was ever happy with who I was,
No on understands just how alone I feel,
All I've ever wanted was to be happy and loved and to be liked for who I was,
I don't even know who I am anymore,
I am a clone, I am a put together of what everyone wants me to be,
All I've ever wanted was to be left alone with my books and my movie,
no one ever leaves me alone,
I don't even dream anymore,
I feel so empty inside,
I tell people this and they say they understand but they don't,
No one does,
I don't even trust my own family because I feel like a disappointment to them,
I'm not even motivated to finish school,
I just want all the judging to stop and for everyone to leave me alone,
but it will never stop.