Little Garden

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Imagine every person has a garden that represents him or her. It represents the struggles they go through, the problems they face, the laughter, and the friends. Now most people's gardens will have some dead spots but for the most party they will have lilies, jasmines, and tulips. Some will have red roses in full bloom for the love they have found. Some will have cacti for the hard times that have left them sharp and unapproachable.

Then there are some that are nothing miraculous when you first look at them. They are quite ordinary.

You walk into a garden, stonewalls covered in ivy surround the garden and there is a pathway down the middle. Two pathways branch off at the center of the garden and lead to the left and right.

At first glance, you see hundreds of pansies and daisies. You continue to look at the garden, trying to figure out what the person is like.

As you get closer to the flowers, you can see the dirt beneath. The dirt is filled with rocks- obstacles for the flowers. Weeds grow low to the ground, not noticeable from a distance.

You reach and grab a weed, you pull, and as you pull, the weed keeps coming and coming, like a handkerchief from a magician. But this is no joke. The weed starts ripping up flowers. The flowers' roots hold tight to the dirt, resisting your efforts to expose the battle beneath.

The flowers stretch and scream as you try to exterminate the weed. After a few minutes, you realize that the weeds and rocky soil are the garden- that is the person. The ivy is hiding the weather beaten walls. The flowers have grown to hide the soil and weeds beneath.

And no matter how hard you try, you cannot pull the weeds out. You carefully put back the flowers, shifting rocks aside and giving the flowers some room. The flowers you fought have wilted, but already the pansies and daisies around the fallen have grown taller, hiding the fallen. 

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