Forever and always

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"Calum,you have once again failed all your subjects,"sighed Mrs Lisa.Honestly,I couldn't care less.I was ready to drop out of school.Since I was 9,I knew that I was a failure.A failure in life and study.Everything actually.I knew that things would never change.I wanted to take my life away but I questioned myself ,"You have suffered 16 years of bullying,torture and abuse.Do you want to give up now?"my mind questioned me.

I always questioned myself how the world would change if I died.How would his parents feel?How would my siblings feel?How would Luke feel?Luke has been my best friend for as long as I could remember.He would appear at the right place and at the right time.He was the only reason why I had not given up yet.Without him,I would most probably be 6 feet below ground.He was my rock.My everything.I love Luke.In case you haven't catch up yet,I'm gay. Huge surprise .Calum Hood is gay.That's the other problem.That I am gay.I honestly don't know why people are so affected by that.I want to kiss Luke.It gets harder for me everyday.He looks so perfect.I love him more everyday.Today more than yesterday but lesser than tomorrow.

He told me that I'm his warrior.He knows that I selfharm.He tells me that he believes in me.He reminded me to forget all the rumors that have been going around the school.By that time,I did not realise that I was actually crying.Tears were streaming down my cheek.

With shaking fingers,I dialled Luke's number.Within seconds that voice of his greeted me and I instantly felt happier.I asked him if he could drop by my house to help me with math as his mom,Liz,was a math teacher.He replied with a quick answer and left for my house.

I drove by some of the places that Luke and I used to hang out.That brings joy to my heart.I drove to the place that we first met.Tears of happiness rolled down my face.I realised that Luke would reach my house soon.I drove home in silence.I reached home at the same time as Luke.The tears of both sadness and happiness we're dried up by the time I came out of the car.

Throughout the car ride,I was thinking to myself about my life.Whether or not to turn over a new leaf.There was an internal struggle between my heart and mind.In the end,I followed my heart and it advised me to turn over a new leaf,at leasst for Luke.I figured out that I should have a fresh start.A new beggining.A new chapter.

When my eyes met Luke's,he instantly asked me if I was ok.I nod my head in return.This is one of the reasons why I'm in love with Luke.He cares about me more than how much I care about myself.Luke's fingers met mine and our hand intertwined.I feel so safe with Luke.

I entered my house with a fresh start.Just in case you were wondering,my parents kicked me out of our house when I came out to them.I never came out to anyone besides Luke since that day.Long story short,I bought this house with my money,with some money from my two sisters Madison and Mali-Koa,and tada a house is being made.My sisters often visits me though.I asked Luke to follow me to my room where we could study.

Surprisingly,throughout the whole math homework,I paid attention.I was tired of being rebellious.I am tired of being a reject.I just wanted to be me.On that day itself Luke threw away most of my razors and blades which can be seen.For the first times in many years,I finally felt...happy.It was officially that start of something new.From that day.on,I decided to complete all of my assignments,with the help of Luke of course.

Three months passed and finals are over.It was the day I received my results.'Calum Thomas Hood,you have obtained a total aggregate of 270 for your finals.Well done"Mrs Katy beamed.I felt something.Something I haven't fell for a very long time.Thats it,pride.I scanned the hall for Luke.Finally,I spotted him with his big grin coupled with his dimples showing.He mouthed out a well done.I ran to him as fast as I possibly could and jumped into his arms.we shared a very special moment together.Our first kiss.His lips moved in sync as mine.I felt that spark. No. Fireworks.Once we pulled away from each other,he got down on his knees and asked me something I can't forget.He simply said,"Calum Thomas Hood,will you do me the honer and be my boyfriend?"With tears in my eyes,I simply hugged him and said,"I love you Lucas Robert Hemmings,forever and always."

Forever and always~Cake One Shoot Fanfic 5sosWhere stories live. Discover now