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   I groaned as I stretched in my bed and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.
   Why am I so tired...?
When I started to roll over, I felt something wrapped around my torso. When I looked behind me, I saw that it was Ever, still fast asleep.
   As I watched her peacefully sleeping face, a spectrum of feelings I hadn't felt in a long time washed over me... feelings I hadn't genuinely felt in a long, long time. I couldn't exactly say that I was falling for her but I couldn't say that seeing her didn't made me... happy... that when she said she couldn't come over, I would feel like something was missing... in some sense, it scared me. It scared me that Ein, the guys, and video weren't cutting it anymore. It scared me that I wanted more. I wanted the companionship of another human... one that I could feel, one that would fall asleep practically anywhere, one that was great with Ein, one that I could watch tv on the couch with and pretend to ignore them but actually would actually be laughing kinda hard at on the inside... one whose eyes closed every time they smiled or one who was able to make my heart race like this... It scared me... wanting that... it scared me because it meant I wanted to be with her... with Ever...

    My thoughts were cut short when she began to stir in her sleep. Her hands rose to her face as she rubbed her eyes and let out a big yawn. Her eyes slowly opened as she awoke but when she seemed to realize the situation, they shot open.
   "J-J-James..." she stuttered.
Quickly, she put both of her hands over her face and rolled over in the bed. It was obvious she was embarrassed.
   "I-I'm sorry... you probably hate me for being so pushy..."

   "N-no! Of course not...!"
I catch my voice from being to loud as I denied her words.
  "I-it was nice... I didn't mind it at all..."

  She looked over her shoulder at me with wide eyes.
   "R-really?" She shyly asked.

I nodded and her face slowly relaxed into a grin. Right as she about to say something though, her phone went off. She quickly patted her body down looking for it. When she found it, she quickly opened it.
   "Oh... it's Aleks. He DM'ed me on Twitter."

  At the mention of his name, unease rushed into my body and it wasn't because of our conversation from last night.

   "...What's it say?"
I asked out of curiosity.

    "'Morning. Sorry I didn't respond yesterday. Wasn't really in the mood'," she said.

   "You guys been talkin' or something?" I asked.

   "Yeah, just a little bit. When I've got free time here and there," she said as began typing out a response.

   "...You don't message me on Twitter..." I said with a pout.

  "Yeah, because I see you almost everyday. There's no need for me to message you."

   "...You could still do it... especially on your days off."

  "And Why would I do that?"

   "W-well... it gets a little lonely... being that you come over here almost everyday and all."

     "So, are you saying that you miss me when I'm gone?" She teasingly asked.
   She turned her head to look at me and I bit my lip.

   "Well, yeah... I do sometimes," I whispered.

  The words seemed to catch her completely off guard as she stared at me with big eyes. As I felt the heat returning to cheeks, I turned my head away from her slightly. I then felt her hand on my forehead as she pushed my hair back.
   "...Alright. I'll message you when I'm not busy. Don't want you getting too lonely now," she said with a chuckle. I looked at her and saw showing off her wide grin. I smiled back at her.

   "Alrighty, it's only 11 but I've somewhere to be," she said as she removed her hand from my hair and sat up.

  "Where do you have to be on a Sunday morning?" I asked as she stretched her arms.

  "Oh! I've gotta go to the restaurant and check this week's progress. I don't think I should be there for long though," she said as she got up and started leaving the room. I quickly followed her as I got out of the bed.
As we reached downstairs, she quickly started putting her shoes on.

   "It sucks... I kinda wanted to just hang out with you today James..." she said as she was bent down, tying her shoes.

    "Yeah... same here," I quietly said as I watched her.

  She suddenly started chuckling to herself.
  "You could always come with me. It would be just the two of us as well," she jokingly said.


  Ever's hands stopped and her head snapped up as she looked at me.

  "I'll go with you... if it's okay..."
I said as confidently as I could.

    She jumped up and grabbed my hands excitedly.
   "Are you serious!? You wanna go with me?!"

  "Sure... I don't see why not if its just gonna be the two of us."

  She continued to excitedly bounce up and down with a huge grin on her face.
    "Ye-yeah, that's true but still! I thought you didn't like going out? Aren't you afraid?"

    She looked up at me with questioning eyes that made me blush.
   "W-well... as long as I'm with you, I-I think I'll be okay..." I said under my breath. She continued staring at me, making me even more embarrassed.

   "O-oh," she said quietly.
She then smiled as she squeezed my hands .
   "W-well, I'll make sure you stay okay, James. I promise."


     "Ein, this is the first time in three years that you'll be alone in the house. Don't you dare go fucking up anything, okay?"
   I looked down at her as she looked up at me. I sighed and crouched down to pet her. 
   "I'm actually doing this... I'm going out... and it's all just to be close to her... how pathetic is that?"
   After a few seconds of petting Ein, I hear a car honk it's horn outside.
   "...That's her, Ein. I'll see ya later, alright?"

    I stood up and turned around, facing the door. As I took the doorknob in my hand, I let out a deep breath.
   "You'll be fine James... you've got Ever... you'll be just fine."

I opened the door and walked onto the front steps. I took out the keys that I had barely used and looked the door behind me. When I walk into the yard, I see Ever on the side of her car, waving at me happily.
"Let's goooo! We've got an exciting day ahead of us!"

As I watched her, a tingling sensation washed over me. I was... excited... I was excited to spend the day her. It was almost as if the fears of the past three years were just a dream.
And it was all because of Ever.

I love and hate this omg
Sorry it took so long to get out btw.
It still kinda sucks but whatcha gonna do????

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