Part 1

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Authors Note-

FAB: Fully Advised + Briefed- This will come throughout the story
T1 = Thunderbird 1 =  Scott Tracy
T2 = Thunderbird 2 = Virgil Tracy
T3 = Thunderbird 3 = Alan Tracy
T4 = Thunderbird 4 = Gordon Tracy
T5 =  Thunderbird 5 = John Tracy
This may be emotional so read with caution and this is based on the 2015 edition of Thunderbirds.

Tracy Island was bursting with happiness and fun, I mean what kid wouldn't be celebrating their 10th birthday. Alan Tracy, the youngest of the Tracy family, was going around the house waking up his older brothers at 8am, annoying them by letting the sun into their rooms and jumping on their beds. He had already woken and annoyed Scott (18), Virgil (16) + Gordon (14), but he saved the best for last. John was the second eldest son at 17 years and was more than Alan's big brother, he was his bestest friend. He creaked open the door, the light flowing in onto John's bed, he always had a fascination for space and NASA was his future. Alan crept up, slowly as possible he chuckled quietly, and then he pounced onto his bed, but where was John? 

Alan:"John? Dude where are you?"
John: "Surprise!"
Alan:"What the HECK!?!?"

Alan was screaming and waving his arms as he fell to the ground in utter shock.

John: "Happy Birthday Alan!"

John had come prepared this year and hung himself by his feet to the ceiling and waiting for a good shock.

Alan: "Dude not cool! You don't do that!"
John: "But you have to admit, I did scare you"
Alan:"I suppose"
John: "Happy 10th Birthday Alan"

He smiled, gave a forgiving hug and the rest of the boys entered the room, tired, annoyed and even more tired.

Scott: "What's with all the yelling? I have to be in the US with Virgil + Gordon by 10am in Thunderbird 1+ 2, so I need to rest."
Virgil: "True, so you need your beauty sleep, eh Sleeping Beauty?"
Scott: "SHUT UP"
Gordon: " Who's ready to have fun! Oh....what's going on? I thought we were going to Florida to surf!"
Scott: "No, we are going to Florida to talk to people about International Rescue"
John: " Come on guys, spend some time with Alan before you go."

By this time, the boys had left the room and you could hear the engines roaring. International Rescue was the new family business, a global rescue group- The Tracy Brothers, in 4 NASA rockets created by their father Jeff Tracy and a space station. Alan was devastated, no one really wanted to celebrate his birthday or so he thought, the boys never really left, in fact they were downstairs putting up decorations and preparing the cake- Virgil was a master chef.

John: "Hey, don't worry, I'm here"
Alan: " You are my bestest friend John, yet Scott, Virgil + Gordon are my brothers and they don't care as much as you do"
John: "That's not true, they care about you. Come on, let's eat some cake."

As they went downstairs , the trio were frantic trying to wrap up everything but they hid just in time as Alan and John put one foot in front of the other on the steps, Alan looking sadder than ever. John walked towards the fridge.

John: "I'm getting the cake, it's chocolate"
Alan: "With cream?"
John: "You underestimate the power of ca....wait where is it? Gordon is so dead!"
Scott, Virgil, Gordon: "SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALAN!!!"
Alan: "WHAT THE...WH...WHAT!!"
Gordon: " You should have seen the look on your face! PRICELESS!"
Alan: "I thought you guys were in Florida"
Virgil : "We wouldn't miss our younger siblings 10th birthday for sun, surf + ceremonies"
Gordon: "The waves..the sun...." -Gordon then starts to frown-
Alan: " You guys are amazing!"

It was at this point were the 5 then headed towards their sunken lounge, were stood a pile of presents, vines of cars and fireworks of balloons and the biggest surprise- A Thunderbird 3 cake, just like the one that Alan was receiving in another 5 years. He was now the happiest soul in the island, John had always considered Alan's happiness like what the family was like before the tragedy- The mother and father had died in an accident and left the 5 with their grandma by themselves.

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