Part 2

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Authors Note-
IR = International Rescue
FAB: Fully Advised + Briefed- This will come throughout the story
T1 = Thunderbird 1 =  Scott Tracy
T2 = Thunderbird 2 = Virgil Tracy
T3 = Thunderbird 3 = Alan Tracy
T4 = Thunderbird 4 = Gordon Tracy
T5 =  Thunderbird 5 = John Tracy
This may be emotional so read with caution and this is based on the 2015 edition of Thunderbirds.

6 Years Later

Ever since John had left to space, the island was quiet, Alan was sad and the others knew that John had kept this place alive. Even though John contacts them every day regarding IR, the boys wish he was back on earth, where his hugs gave everyone hope and his jokes made everyone laugh. Alan had suffered the worst, he twists and turns at night, calls out for his best friend, but no one comes. He keeps photos of John and him on the ceiling of his room, so that he remembers those times with John. But this day- 12th of March- in particular was going to be his hardest day to spend without his best friend- Alan's 16th birthday. A teenagers 16th birthday is very special and everyone must be around, so this would be hard on him.

Alan woke up, as usual, but never going around as he usually did as a kid, the happiness inside died. He laid in bed, he couldn't get up, he turned right- sun flowing in, such a beautiful day. He turned left- a scary monster looking at him, he moved closer- he wasn't ready for that.

-Alan is shocked, pauses, slowly gets out of bed and then runs for his life, screaming, the thing follows him-

Alan ran out of his room,waking up everyone with his loud screaming, they are tired, annoyed and even more tired. Not even noticing where he is going, Alan runs, trips and eventually falls down the stairs, he lays at the bottom, moaning, on his back. The thing then stops, looks and stays still.

Alan: "GUYS!"
Virgil: "What is it no....OH MY GOD, WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?"

Gordon removes the mask, yes it was Gordon all along- the joker- and laughs hysterically at his well pulled of prank, he runs down the stairs and helps Alan up.

Alan: " I think my back is broken"
Gordon: " Ha, that was funny!"
Scott: " Grow some maturity Gordon, you Ok?"
Alan: " Yeah I'm fine"
Scott: " Gordon...."
Alan: " Don't get angry at Gordon, he was just playing a prank on me because it's my birthday"
Scott: " I DONT CARE ALAN! What matters is your wellbeing. That fall could have injured him badly Gordon, show some maturity."
Gordon: " Well at least I try to keep this place alive, you don't even care about him any more like John did. I did it because he needs it."
Virgil: " Guys,stop arguing! Look!"

The trio then turned to Alan. At this point, Alan was looking at them in shock, he turned and ran to his room, he was so delicately emotional when they talk about John and how it has changed. Scott was trying his hardest to be fun and mature at the same time, but it wasn't one of his strong points. Gordon and Scott had been fighting for the past year and it got to Alan a lot. He could only be around Virgil, he was caring, funny and knew what the situation was.  Alan had fell on his bed, grabbed a pillow, squeezed it as hard as he could and started to cry. He imagined the pillow as John, his warm hugs were so comforting. He stayed in his room for an hour.

When exited his room, he was wearing his T3 uniform, he had to go out on Thunderbird 3. He tried to ignore the boys trying to settle their differences, but it wasn't worth it. As he walked, a hologram appeared in front of him- it was John.

John: "Hey Alan, Happy 16th!"
Alan: -sighs- "Yeah, thanks."

Alan walked right through the hologram where he was now facing outside, sad, looking at the ground and his arms crossed.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2015 ⏰

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