Chapter Five: Aoi Setsuna

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I brushed my fingers under my eyes and sighed, placing my foam cup of coffee on the sink counter. Another day at school... I told myself to suck it up and that I could get through today.

"Bags under your eyes?" I turned to see Yuki walking into the girl's room. She stood in front of the mirror and reapplied cotton candy pink lip gloss. "Use green tea bags."

I tied my hair up in a ponytail. "Um... Yeah, thanks. I think I just need some sleep."

Yuki laughed softly then turned to me, he lashes fluttering innocently. "Why isn't is that you haven't been getting enough sleep, Setsuna?"

Oh, the usual. Having to comfort Riku when he has nightmares, waiting for Raiden to come home, dance practice, paranoia... "Studying and such. That essay Wataru Sensei is making us write is brutal."

"Or is it because you've been busy at night with Akira?"

Akira Iori. Disgusting. Is that the only thing on her mind? "Why would I be?"

"Hmm..." Yuri examined her perfect nails. "Good. Because Akira's too good for you anyway. You're nothing but a commoner." She knocked my coffee cup to the floor on her way out and fluffed her hair.

I groaned out loud when she was gone and started pulling out at least a hundred paper towels from the dispenser to clean the mess up. See, this is why I didn't want to get involved with the popular kids. Too much drama and lip gloss.

"Need help with that?"

Oh, no. Not another person. "No. I can do this on my own, thanks."
I looked up to see a girl with short, messy hair holding out another stack of paper towels to me.

"I'll help anyway. You seem busy." She knelt down next to me and started cleaning. "I'm Chiba, by the way. Sora Chiba."

"Aoi Setsuna. I recognize you from-"

"Calculus and Advanced reading comp.," she finished.

Oh, that's right. I usually run off after class, so we never talked. "You're the other freaky genius first-year I've been hearing about."

Chiba grinned. "That's me." She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and held a hand out to help me up. "Come on. Let's get you a new coffee."

and I checked my watch. I had about forty-five minutes before my next class... Why not? I really needed the caffeine anyway.

I assumed Chiba was taking me to the student lounge or something.

Ha. Nope. She lead me down a hall, saying hi to almost everyone we passed, and to a room with a chandelier and floor to ceiling windows. 

The door opened from the inside and the smell of pastries and fresh fruit immediately hit me, and I felt... Oddly relaxed. I better grab my coffee to go.

"Welcome to Aautisto Café!"

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