Chapter Two: Aoi Setsuna

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Okay, wait, wait, wait.

Let's reverse a bit. So, before Friday was Thursday, right? Right. So, I was in the studio, waiting for the Bass level dancers to finish class, so I could start practicing my solo piece since I got permission.

I gotta say, Remy works fast.

Oh, and in case you're confused, the dance class levels at this school goes like this:

Bass (Most of the younger kids are in this level.  Basic ballet, basic Jazz, a bit of hip hop.)

Treble (Most people are in this level. It's where the kids who are too experienced for the basics, but still need to learn a bit. Ballet, contempory jazz, hip hop. Some Treble II kids take Alto classes.)

Alto (Okay, these kids are the really good dancers. You'll find out about this soon. They do ballet on pointe shoes, advanced jazz, hip hop, and ballet partnering.)

Tenor (The professionals)

And just so you know, there's Bass I, II, & III

Treble I & II

and Alto I & II

The higher the number, the more advanced you are. It's like a level within a level. I'm a Treble II, which means I'm just one level to being an Alto.

Confused yet?

"Setsuna-San, we're done with studio C now," a teacher informed me, interrupting my thoughts. I stood up, grabbed my backpack, and walked into studio C: the second smallest of the fifteen dance rooms in this school.

And just to give you an idea of how big this school is, the Western wing is where the middle schoolars are, the Eastern wing is where the highschool is, down below us on the second floor is the elementary kids, and the first floor is a lounge, one of the two HUGE libraries, and an arcade. There's fifteen dance studios, as stated above, nine theaters, ten recording booths, and quite a few club rooms. This place is pretty big...

Two girls were still in the studio, packing up their Jazz shoes and costumes. I recognized them from the Alto class.

"Nice work today," One of them said, high fiving the other. She was tall, dark haired, model gorgeous... probably rich and prissy like the rest of them.

"You too, Yuki," the red head replied, giggling. She was shorter, but still taller than me.

They didn't seem to notice me until I got my iPod plugged in and working. Their heads whipped to face me as soon as the song Riot  started to play.

It was my turn to practice, and I wasn't going to wait until they got out of the room, so I turned up the volume and started to stretch. I got a limited time in here. Need to make use of it.

They both watched me, the red haired one chomping on her gum obnoxiously, for awhile before the dark haired one whistled. "Hey, Kid!"

Kid? Oh, I get it, it's another short joke, isn't it. "Setsuna," I corrected.

"Yeah, whatever, we know who you are." I could hear the eyeroll in her voice. "Stay away from Iori-Senpai, 'kays?"

Kays? What? Teenage girls are ridiculous.

With a flip of her hair, she strutted out the studio with her friend.

I sighed and slid into a center split. Geeze, word got out about our date already?... I could show him I wasn't interested, leave early hopefully, and then the Iori fanclub would stop bothering me, right?

I was so very wrong.

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