Hide Behind

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Note: This isn't exactly a short Creepy Pasta, but it's legitimately short. This happened a little time ago, when their language was a bit...Strange. Just don't mind their weird language, okay?

It was a jolly night with my pals, as we were talking at dinner. "Eh, John? Ye evur herd 'bout the...Hide Behind?" (Hey John, you ever heard about the Hide-Behind?) Sean said jokingly at me. I replied, "Nay, and I dun buhleive those kind of tales." (No, and I don't believe those kind of tales.) He laughed, and he said, "Ye bett'r do, they say if ye take 'til nightfall to geht hoym, the Hide Behind wheel foller ye and haunt ye for all eternity." (You better do, they say if you take until nightfall to get home, the Hide Behind will follow you and haunt you for eternity.)

The next day, I set out to buy some hay to fix my roof. After I got the hay, I got lost in the forest that was around the village. I noticed it was almost nightfall, and I still didn't believe the Hide Behind was out. I wandered for a little while more, and then out of the corner of my eye, I saw a strange creature, with the head of a deer, the hooves of a horse, and the body of a human. I quickly turned around to look at it, but it was gone. Perhaps it was just a forest animal.

I was getting more and more desperate as I kept wandering in the forest, and soon, I saw the creature again. This time it didn't dissapear. It looked at me, with its deer head twitching uncontrollably. Oh my God. Sean was right. The Hide Behind is real! I ran even deeper in the trees, dodging all the branches that brushed against my face. I heard the beast's roar as it was probably getting closer. I saw a light close by, and I ran toward it as fast as I could.

At exactly the moment my foot was out of the forest, I fell over. I saw it was my house. The hay was still in my knapsack, and when I stood up, the Hide Behind was gone.

So this is the story of the Hide Behind. This be my advice to those poor saps lost in the forest, whatever you do...don't look behind you.

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