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{ yoon bomi }

"guys, i'm back!" i cheered, walking into my apartment— after unlocking the padlock, of course.

the boys were all sat on the sofa in front of the tv. their heads turned toward me at the sound of my voice.

"master!" baekhyun was the first one to jump up.

"what took you so long?" chanyeol pouted.

"yeah! we've been waiting for forever," chen groaned.

"i've only been gone for," i glanced down at my phone screen, "like, three hours."


"well, they say dogs don't have a sense of time," i smirked.

"hey! we're not dogs! anymore, at least.. anyway, i'm hungry. where's the food?" baekhyun walked towards me, examining my backpack.

chen sniffed the air. "i don't smell anything.. this isn't promising."

"what the hell are you two doing? i thought you weren't dogs anymore," i sighed, setting my bag down on the floor.

"exactly, we're not dogs," chanyeol began, "so that's why we should come to class tomorrow with you."

"hey, why are you changing the subject?" i frowned.

"chanyeol has a point! i want to go to class with you," chen whined.

"no means no!" i refused. "anyway, what do you want to eat?"

"ramen!" chen exclaimed.

"make it yourself, then."


"oh, i checked earlier today, and there's no more ramen," chanyeol called out.

baekhyun gasped. "what do we do?!"

"..let's get delivery!"


the four of us were sitting at the dining table quietly, waiting for the food to arrive. i had ordered some black bean noodles, along with spicy rice cakes.

that was when the doorbell rang, causing me to stand up excitedly, making my way to the front door. finally! the food was here!

i opened the door with a smile on my face, only to find someone i wasn't expecting. my smile faded.

there she was, the one and only yeri, standing outside my apartment, a suitcase in hand, and a dirty grin growing on her lips.

"what? were you expecting somebody else, new roommate?" she asked.

"what are you doing here?" i glared back at her.

"i'm here to move in with you, why wouldn't i be here?"

"yeri, i told you i already have roommates."

she just laughed. "as if. my father was informed that only one person, you, live in this apartment."

"they just moved in the other day. i haven't had the chance to inform your dad."

"bomi, stop lying while i'm being nice," she tensed up, the intimidating smile still on her face.

"i assure you, i already have—"

"bom, what's taking so long?" i heard chen's voice from behind me. i turned back, seeing the three boys standing there. their attention shifted from me, to yeri, and back to me.

"where's the food..?" baekhyun quietly asked.

"as you can see, these three are living with me already. believe me now?" i gave yeri a fake smile.

her smile had faded as soon as her gaze landed on the boys. she seemed taken aback. "h-how.."

"you can leave now!" i waved her off, but she stopped me.


"goodbye," i shut the door, locking it quickly in case she attempted to come in again.

i turned around, seeing the boys' confused expressions. i giggled softly, clapping my hands to snap them out of their trances.

baekhyun groaned. "i thought that was the delivery guy.." he walked back to the kitchen, chen closely following behind.

chanyeol stood there, still in a trance.

"are you okay?" i looked at him.

he looked down at me, a little shocked, before nodding. "yeah, i am."

i shrugged to myself, before following him into the kitchen.


after the food had finally arrived, we were all eating in silence. i don't know why, but the atmosphere felt awkward, different than how it usually felt.

while baekhyun and chen were focused on savouring the taste of their food, i noticed that chanyeol still seemed out of it. something was off with him.

i hope he was okay.


{ park chanyeol }

i had suddenly lost my appetite.

they'll find out sooner or later...


{ a/n }

AGAIN, apologising for the short ass chapter :(((

sorry for not updating for a while, i just had a couple of tests over the previous few weeks so i've been busy studying eW

i hope you guys understand and respect that authors have lives too!!!

anyway i hope u liked this chapter

and PLS don't start thinking imma pull a 'the boy next door' type of shit on you guys ahhahaha i promise this story is different!

what do you think chanyeol is referring to??? (although it may be obvious already idk)

but yeah hopefully i'll see you soon!!! :)

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