Chapter 2

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   Falling out of bed I slammed my hand on the alarm, groaning in pain as I attempted to stand up. Key word attempted. I quickly took a shower and picked out dark skinny jeans and a maroon V-neck with my galaxy vans. I was in a rush so I grabbed my phone and ran to the door not even stopping for food, I wasn't really hungry- then again I can't remember the last time that I was. I went to reach for the door and instantly felt a presence behind me. I whipped around fast enough to give someone whiplash. I saw the familiar pair of green eyes staring at me with a sad smile. It's been two weeks since the accident and since I lost my boyfriend, but more importantly my best friend. I closed my eyes and whispered "this isn't real", when I opened them he was gone.

   I get to school and sit outside waiting for my friends. Hanna texted me saying they were going to be late because they had a huge hangover from a party the night before. They arrived shortly after I sit down and we do our embarrassing group hug.
   "I missed you!" They say in unison.
   "I missed you guys too"

   We walked into school and of course everyone was staring at me and whispering. Killian wasn't the only person who died, his mom died too.

                          *Skip to lunch*

   "Eat something", this was the first thing out of my friends mouthes.
   "I'm not hungry",I retorted.
   "When was the last time you ate?"' Paige asked, you could hear the worry in her voice.

   All I could do was shrug, deep down we all know I haven't eaten since he died and that worried my friends. My parents have been to busy to notice because that's what they do, work and work and work. They busy themselves so they don't have to deal with me. I know they love and will be there for me, but I need my space and they know that.

   Since we all had free period and that was the last period of the day I told the girls I was going to go home. When I got home I went upstairs to lay down, as I'm laying down I feel the bed sink and an arm wrap around my waist.

"I'm sorry" is all I hear before the presence is gone and I'm left alone.

This concludes the second chapter. Hope you enjoyed :)
This was written by Purpleswaggy19 and edited by Danceswagger16

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2015 ⏰

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