Mary Had A Little Lamb

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For Tosavealife4 .... can it be five now?

As I drowned I saw the sky above me smash into a million pieces, beautifully broken like that of a glass, reflecting all of its colors back upon me. I smiled as I drowned, and expression of emotion sliding down my cheek and diminishing into the floods that came ahead. But as I was sinking a remembered a song ... it echoed in my head were thoughts should have been, raced through me like some type of alien. I let myself bow out bubbles of air into the space before me, watching in fascination how they glistened, and listened ...

Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb,

Mary had a little lamb that her father had given her.

But instead of love it was filled with hate,

and all that was disintegrated,

and Mary only wanted him to care -- I guess the other sister doesn't share.

Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb,

Mary had a little lamb but instead of following her wherever she went,

the little lamb left one day.

So Mary grew very sad until ...

she watched the world turn black and gray but inside the rope hope was there to stay.

She saw colors and light and love spring awake.

So Mary was alone and only had herself, herself, herself . . .

and she placed her head inside the strings and left the world that day.

Mary had herself, herself, herself.

And nobody cared enough to help.

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