Follow 4 Follow?

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     So remember the last rant? I stated that random capitalization and random periods were the most annoying thing? Well I changed my mind. I had a whole list of topics to choose from to rant about, and in all honesty I wasn't going to post for a few day. However, I just felt the need to add this today because hey this is a RANT book and it is here for my ranting pleasure. Is it not?

      The new most annoying thing I find while on Wattpad:


      There is nothing wrong with following a bunch of new people! But WHY THE HELL would you follow people who you have never come in contact with and have zero stories and zero updates! I mean, I could see following someone with kick ass reading lists, (I have done it before) but why follow someone for no reason? I obviously don't have a ton of followers or anything, but THERE IS NOTHING MORE IRRITATING TO HAVE THE SAME PERSON FOLLOW AND UNFOLLOW YOU IN THE SPAN OF ONE WEEK. I shit you not this has happened to me multiple times! Today to deter this, (let's be honest it probably will have no actual effect) I have posted a nice little section in my about me paragraph that I WILL NOT be following random people back.

      It's great that people want other people to read their damn stories! How many people actually follow back/ interact with the mass followers? I mean saying thanks for following me is nice and all, and occasionally I will tell someone who I can CLEARLY SEE has massed followed thanks but most of the time it is WORTHLESS. When I don't automatically follow back I am unfollowed a few days later. I have no problem with this because I don't need a ton of people following me when I have (had now I guess) NOTHING TO FOLLOW and DO NOT POST UPDATES.

      So if you follow me and expect me to follow you back... it's fucking not going to happen. I like to follow authors who write stories that I enjoyed reading or people who are interesting to talk to or that I interact with in some way (my email gets enough notifications from Wattpad throughout the day as it is). So if you are one of those people, feel free to follow me! I will probably follow you back. But if you have no stories and don't interact on Wattpad and expect me to follow back IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

Be a leader. Not a (mass) follower!

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