Chapter 20: Tens Machine Troubles

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Hello! Okay, so I just wanted to once again say sorry and emphasise the fact that all the updates in this book at the moment may be pretty slow, I'm writing multiple other books at the same time and I'm either getting the plots mixed up, busy with school or so busy writing another I forget about the others. So, I've devised a plan. I'm going to publish each novel one by one, writing as many chapters as I can in one go and publishing a few daily (when I get the chance) so I have more time to focus on each novel individually. I'm going to work first on Ghost Girl, then On the Run, and then this one, so if my updates are very slow it's because I'm writing other books. Seeing as On the Run is in its early stages I'll try to pop some updates for his fanfic inbetween that as well. Also, at the end of October I MET JOE AND TYLER!!! Guys they were so lovely, I was first to meet Tyler, and Joe was so lovely, he told me I was a good drawer and I was like :O! But the image I've inserted are from Joe's meet up, it's just my favourite from that one as I got a lot of selfies with him. A Tyler image and more detailed description of both meet ups will be in my next update.

'Hello, stranger!' She chuckles. I breathe a sigh of relief.
'God, you're okay! Finn rang me, told me you're out. I - I thought you'd -'
'No, of course not! They let me out, that's all that matters.'
'And - and you're definitely okay, then?'
'Yes! Let's not talk about it, this conversation shouldn't be a downer.'
'O-okay. How are you?' I ask unsurely, fidgeting with the hem of my shirt, feeling lost and bewildered by the sudden cut-off feeling.

Five minutes later, Joe is at the door, knocking softly. 'Babe? Could I borrow you a moment, Zoë's been trying to reach you for ages, we've had a slight . . . problem.'
'Okay. Well, I've got to go mum, I'll speak to you soon!'
'Okay, bye darling!' I hang up and look at Joe, who looks worried.
'What is it?' I ask, concerned. Joe doesn't say anything, just hands me the device. I take it from him and put it to my ear. 'Zo, what's going on?'

'Stel! Oh my God, I can't believe it!'
'Zo, chill out. What's wrong?'
'I - I lost the wedding book!' She cries. I just look around blankly.
'Yes! I'm so, so sorry!' I have to suppress a giggle.
'Zoë, it's fine! I can remember almost everything in there, anyways. Just have another look for it, it may even be here. I thought something was really, really wrong, I was so scared for a second there!'
'Okay, okay.' I can see Joe laughing out of the corner of my eye. 'Okay. I'll just - I'll just go have another look for it, then.' I say goodbye to Zoë and hand Joe his phone back, and he bursts into giggles. 'Girls.'

He walks forward and wraps his arms around me, burying his face in my neck. 'Baby?'
'Can we make a video?' He asks, kissing my neck. I look down and grin.
'Is that your way of getting me to agree?'
'Maybe.' Joe smirks. I roll my eyes.
'What did you have in mind?'
'Well, if you're okay with it that is, I was thinking we should do something kind of . . . with the tens machine?'
'Joe, that thing is -'
'Please! I promise I'll go easy on you.' He's watching me with a pleading expression.
'Fine.' He grins and pulls me into his room.

'Hello everyone and today I am joined with this gorgeous munchkin, Stel!'
'Hullo.' I grin.
'She has agreed to do a challenge with me today using the tens machine!' Joe holds the thing up and grins menacingly into the camera. 'So the way it's going to work is I'm going to ask her a series of questions about our friendship and relationship and she's going to try to answer them correctly and vice versa. If she gets it right, she doesn't get a shock, and if she answers wrong, she does.' Joe turns to me. 'Where do you want them?'
'Erm . . .' I point to my lower arms, and Joe attaches the pads to my skin.

'First question: what was the first song you and I ever listened to?'
'Ooh, I know this one! It was - erm . . . Mockingbird.'
'That's right! I'm surprised you remember that, you were half asleep at the time.'
'Good memory.' I shrug.
'Question two: what were we doing the third time Zoë, Jack and Finn walked in on us together?'
'That's what she said. Kind of. Sorry, couldn't help it. We were . . . The third time? Damn you, Joe!' He laughs. 'We were . . . playing on the PlayStation?'

The pain blasts through my arms and sends them into a spasm as I scream out, staring at the way my hands are curling. I try to move them but am unable to, and the white-hot pain prickles over my muscles piercingly. 'Joe, stop it!' I shout, tearing my eyes from my arm. Joe is laughing, clutching his stomach. 'Joe, please!' I want to rip the pads off but my hands have become immobile. The pain eases, but does not totally subside. 'Ow.' I manage to say, looking down at my forearms. 'I'm sorry, babe.' Joe giggles, pulling me into him and kissing me. 'You did agree, though.' I pull the pads from my arms and take the machine from Joe.

I glance down at the machine in my hand quickly before I do anything, and see a large number on the screen. A five?! What happened to he would go easy on me? Feeling angry of Joe's simple white lie, I look up at him quickly. Seeing him fiddling with the pads on his skin, I quickly crank that number up until a big number seven shows on the screen. Instantly, I move the screen from Joe's view. 'What was my most embarrassing moment with you?' I ask Joe. He looks blankly at me a moment.
'That's difficult. I can't really remember even being all too embarrassed.' The words make my heart beat and my insides churn. 'Erm . . . I'm not sure.' And with that, I press the button and smirk.

Joe's face looks pained, and he shouts out in pain as he writhes around, his arms flailing in many different directions. I can't help but laugh myself silly when I see his face; he looks so agitated yet vulnerable at the same time. I pull myself into him once he starts to pant and rip the machine from his flesh. Gently, I kiss the tip of his nose. 'Sorry.' I whisper, showing him the big number seven. He looks angry as he looks up. 'Are you -?'
'Ssh.' I whisper, kissing him again.

'What was your most embarrassing moment with me, then?' Joe asks as we break apart, setting me comfortably on his knee.
'Don't you remember?' I ask him, shocked. He shakes his head no, and I fiddle with my engagement ring, a nervous distraction. 'Well, it was when I was getting angry at everything and you were trying to calm me down. I turned away and when I turned back around I . . . I kissed you. By accident, totally, but it felt really weird at the time, and I was so embarrassed that I'd done it and I had to leave the room.' Joe's grin is wide as I see flashes of that memory on his features.

We play our game like this for a little while longer, and I get shocked the most. Joe seems to have fantastic recall of every little detail of our growing up, and it's something which touches me deep down. We finish up our video and my phone buzzes.
Zoë: PANIC OVER! I found the book! X
I shake my head and quickly reply, falling back onto Joe's lap. 'I can't wait for us to finally be married.' I mumble.
'Yeah, me too.' Joe whispers back, and I can hear his smile as he talks.

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