The other language you speak

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Scott: Spanish. You grew up learning Spanish because that's your family's culture.

Stiles: Portuguese. Your mom side of the family is Portuguese. So you had to learn it so you could understand what they were saying.

Isaac: French. Some of your family live in France so you would go there every summer vacation. So when you went you learned how to speak it.

Liam: Italian. Your old relitives were Italian so you had it in your blood to speak it. So your mom taught you.

Jackson: Russian. Your family came from Russia to the United States and had you. Your mom wanted you to know about where you came from so she taught you how to speak Russian.

Derek: Latin. Your parents told you about your family history and how they were Latin. Since then you wanted to learn the language and you did.

Jordan: Swedish. You and your family came from Sweden to start a new life. So once you got here you already knew how to speak Swedish.

A/N: For Isaac once I wrote that description I realized that I put French when we all know Isaac moved to France. Also for Jacksons preference I could think of anything else so I put Russian. Sorry if you don't like that.

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