27}. A Celebrity Crush You Would Leave Him For: Sebastian Stan
28}. Word He Uses To Describe You: Smart
29}. Where You Go On Vacation:
New York
30}. Your Prom Dress Color: Peach
31}. Stuffed Animal They Buy You:
32}. Who You Related To:
Liam's older sister
33}. Dating Theo Would Include... ...lazy days ...sweet kiss ...him and Stiles being sarcastic with each other ...having you best friend(Stiles) hate him ...him being at your house all the time (we all know why aka Theo abusing his own parents) ...him being secretive (wink wink) ...him not telling you where he went when he disappears
34}. He Cheats On You: Sorry I couldn't think of a scenario of Theo cheating so I just didn't do it. Sorry don't hate me.
35}. How You Sleep: You guys like to sleep with him sleeping on his back with your head on his shoulder. Then have your arm across his chest and he has his arms around your waist.
36}. Your Job: You work as a professional photographer. You take photos for people who need it and want them.
37}. PDA:
Theo is okay with pda. The usual thing he'll do is hold your hand or kiss your cheek. But when he sees someone flirting with you then he will go straight up to you and give you a big kiss.
38}. Favorite Thing To Do Together:
You love just watching your favorite movie while eating snacks.
39}. What He Likes Most About You:
You beauty
40}. Who He Gets Jealous Of: Stiles
41}. Movie You Force Him To Watch:
42}. Nickname He Gives You:
43}. You Celebrity Best Friend:
Jake Paul & Dobre Twins
44}. What He Does When You Have A Bad Dream:
He will calm you down by just cuddling with each other and just talk about something that will get your mind off of the dream.
45}. YouTube Tag You Do Together:
Boyfriend/Girlfriend Tag
46}. What Your/His Parent Think Of You Dating:
You mom loves Theo and thinks he's sweet but your dad thinks he's to secretive and will break your heart. Theo says you'll met his parents but that hasn't happened yet.
47}. Tv Show You Force Him To Watch:
48}. What You Do On Summer Break Together:
You go camping.
49}. Your Favorite Thing To Eat Together:
50}. Song You Both Jam Out To:
Can't Stop The Feeling- Justin Timberlake
51}. Matching Tattoos:
You get 'To infinity' on your wrist and Theo gets 'And beyond' on his wrist.
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