the free stallion and the lone wolf

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The lone wolfs name was Ash, and the Free Stallion had no name. It started when the lonely stallion was sleeping soundly next to a young oak tree, when ash approached this sleeping wonder of beauty. This wierd new encounter made the wolf disobey his natural wolf instincts and didn't want to eat the helpless creature. Instead he woke him up and started slowly but intensely, making out with the stallion. The stallion surprised at first, tried to move away from the wolfs pressing lips, but could not move away for some unknown reason. Then the wolf moved away and said, "I'm Ash. Call me Ashy because I have a feeling that we might become close. Stallion, blushing beyond belief, responded with a very shy, "Just call me stallion." Stallion got up from his nap and as Ash helped him up he stated, "Now you have to follow my rules of you want to tag along with me, because you'll get killed if you keep it up like this. So come on, lets get out of here." And so, they started their journey across the never ending world.

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