Where it leads

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"Are you sure you can navigate this?" A worried stallion asked. Ash, confidently said, "Of course that big giant X thingy on the map is the destination. And right now we're...." Ash squinted at the map, "Next to these white hill things."

So up the two of them went up the steep mountain. Ever so slightly, the temperature began to decrease. As the two of them took a rest, Stallion sat shivering in the coldness. As Stallion was driffting off the sleep, he felt a warm presence wrap around his front, as he opened his eyes he could see ashes bright blue eyes and his little smirk. "Hey you." Stallion said.
"So......you wanna make out?" Ash suggested.
"Sure why not?"
And so they slowly pressed each others lips against each another's for some time until they both fell into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2015 ⏰

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