Chapter 7

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After sitting with Oak for a while I walk back inside. Everything after that is just kind of a blur.

I stumble up to my room and get into my pajamas which consist of old grey sweatpants and a t shirt from last year. I turn the lights off and lay in my bed, thinking about today. I say on my phone for a couple hours before drifting off, being tired from staying up past 1 am every night.

Somehow it was still hard to fall asleep.

But I knew why.

Tomorrow I would really have to go back, I couldn't just turn around.

I fell asleep and had a nightmare.

I was sitting right next to Oak in my yard. But it wasn't really my yard, it had a darker tiny and wasn't as friendly looking as usual.

I was reading a book when I felt something creeping around my ankle. I saw ivy, snaking around my ankles. It tightened as it traveled up my thighs.

I dropped my book as my arms became twisted with ivy, growing rapidly around my body.

It slithered around my neck, choking me.

My lungs screamed for air as the grip on my neck became tighter and my vision started to fade from the outside in.

My vision went black as I let out a last silent scream.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2015 ⏰

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