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calum woke up super early in the morning, not realizing how or when he had fallen asleep the previous night.

next to him sprawled out on the couch with his lanky limbs in all directions, lay a snoring luke, a small dripple of drool escaping his thin lips. it gave calum the sudden urge to just give the tiniest of pecks amongst his lips. luke's eyes shot open, his baby blue irises fixating on the dark haired boy's face.

"is there something on me?" he asked cautiously, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes , his morning breath smelling tremendously.

"no, i was just looking to see how much of an idiot you looked while you were sleeping."

"very funny."

"have you seen yourself sleep?" calum asked, shielding his nose from luke, "also, go fucking brush your teeth."

"have you seen how fucking hot i am" luke said rather breathily, "i bet i look like a god."

"whatever. go brush your teeth. we kind of have to go to school?"

"oh shit i forgot about that."

luke hurried into the bathroom, fixing his hair the best he could and scrubbing his teeth well. calum soon followed, doing the same as luke, watching himself in the bathroom mirror. the room was quite small for two people of their size, calum eventually getting elbowed in the ribcage on accident by the taller boy.

"fuck you" he winced, his toothbrush bouncing as he did so.

"this bathroom isn't big enough for the both of us." luke replied with a grin, wiping off the extra toothpaste that made it outside of his mouth.

"well it's my bathroom?"

"well i'm the guest?" he mocked.

calum spit out the last of his toothpaste and walked out the bathroom, luke following closely behind. the two then walked out the door to the best up truck that sat outside in the driveway, hopping in and driving to their destination. calum, sitting in the passenger seat, quickly grabbing the aux cord and plugging it into his phone. he selected a weezer song, luke quickly pulling the cable out of the phone. "what are you doing?"

calum reached for the cord, luke holding it far beyond calum's reach, and too close to his dick for comfort, "i'm trying to play weezer, the fuck does it look like?"

"driver always get to pick the music" he said, lowering the cord to in between his legs, "if you really want to listen to weezer then you can come and get it?"

"fuck you"

"'maybe later." luke joked, now plugging the cable into his own phone and playing a song by halsey.

calum groaned. he wasn't going to be able to take much more of luke's teasing. he had such an urge to stop the car and press their lips together, softly taking his lipring in between his teeth and pulling his bottom lip until he whimpered. how luke's hands would possibly wander down his back, and cupping his bottom. how the would slowly both grind on each other's crotches, getting on a high just because of that. calum wasn't sure at first that this is what he wanted, but he was sure now.

he hadn't noticed luke stop jabbering on, or where his eyes stopped on calum's body. not even the way in which luke sat, one hand on the wheel and his other discreetly covering his crotch. "hey uh, calum, you got a little..."

"friend" he finished.

calum looked down, and to his horror, a highly visible boner revealed through his black skinny jeans. the realization soon struck him that he forgot to also out his boxers back on after last night. "oh my god."

"it's cool man, it's cool. you just got to stop thinking about me so much." he joked, trying to bring some humour into this situation. but little did calum know, luke had one too just from the sight of his.

the dark haired boy's face immediately flushed red, trying to cover himself up, "shut the fuck up, luke. i was not thinking about you."

"i was just joking. no need to get all upset over it."

luke pulled the car into a parking lot, both boys rushing out and grabbing their bags without even saying goodbye to the other. luke started making his way to the front of the school building, and as he reached for the door, stopped by a small blonde girl at least a foot shorter than him.

calum's now ex.

"uh- hey sophia. what's up?" luke asked, awkwardly scratching the side of his head.

"do you have a moment?" she asked, her mascara coated eyelashes slightly fluttering, her bottom lip slightly quivering.

sophia grabbed him by the hand, leading him to a bench in the courtyard, "did you hear what uh, happened last night."

luke nodded, "calum moaned out someone else's name while you two were getting it on?"

"yes but do you know who's name it was? did he tell you that part? oh god- why would he."

"he kind of avoided the topic of the name altogether. why, is it really that bad?"

her blue eyes widened and nodded her head, "oh god yes. it's friendship ruining really."

"that bad?"

"you wouldn't believe."

luke bit the corner of his lip, waiting for her to tell him who it was, "are you going to tell me?"

"are you sure you really want to know?" she asked cautiously.

"yeah i'm positive"

"please promise me you won't freak out."

"sophia, i'm sure. now just tell me."

"like are you really really sure?"

"sophia!" he snapped, "just fucking tell me. i'm not going to freak out!"

the small girl inhaled deeply, closing her eyes for a brief moment, "fine. you're not going to believe me, but it was uh... it was your name."

luke didn't believe it. why would calum do such a thing? "you're shitting me, right?"

"luke i swear to god. why would i lie about something like this?"

luke then realized something- the way calum was randomly staring at him this morning, calling him specifically after the breakup and not daring to tell him who's name he said, the random boner he got while spacing out in the car, how he would get stared at as he bit his lip- it all make sense.

"oh my god, you're serious."

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