the beginning

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Author-Chan: sup guys I didn't see a lot of goku x reader so i made this. I do not own dragon ball or dragon ball z or anything to do with dragon ball in particular

Warning : this might be crappy


Narrator's pov

Your name was Y/S/N (your saiyan name) and you were just a baby when you were sent to earth from planet vegeta. When you arrived you hit your head on the ground when you got out of your space ship thingy (author-Chan: I know what it is don't judge me °^°). So you forgot about planet vegeta, your quest to destroy the earth, and your name. You lived alone in a forest for a couple of years until a old man found with a boy with strange looking hair. (Author-chan: did I mention that you meet goku when he's a kid so that means gohan is still alive yay)

"Who are you" you said as you got into a battle stance. The boy just looked at you and made a goofy smile. "My names goku and this is my grandpa" the boy named goku said. "My names gohan and what's you name young lady" the old man named gohan said. You got out of your battle stance since they didn't seem to be bad guys. "M-my name? ...." You said as goku nodded "mmhmm what's your name" goku said. "I don't have a name" you said looking at goku. Gohan frowned "so you don't have a name where's your parents then" Gohan said. You gave a shrug "I don't know " you said. "That means you live in these forests" gohan said looking around. You gave a nod and smiled "yup there's a lot food here so I don't get hungry" you said as climbed up a tree and got an apple. "Can I have an apple I'm starving" goku said looking up at you. You smiled at him and nodded "sure" you said as you got an apple from the tree and passed it to goku you then started to hang from the tree with your tail grabbing the branch. "Cool! Look grandpa that person has a tail like me" goku said pointing at your tail then at his. Gohans eyes widened "why yes goku your right" gohan said examining you. "Say young lady do you want to live with me and my grandson goku" gohan asked. You looked at Gohan and Goku you started to think about it "mmm okay that would be fun!" You said smiling. Goku smiled "oh boy I can't bieleve your going to be living with us uh....." Goku said but stopped because he forgot you had no name. "How about we name you Y/N!" Gohan suggested. Your smiled grew bigger "ya I like that name" you said and smiled again. "Ya Y/N it sounds like a great name" goku said smiling. And after that day you,goku, and gohan lived together.

* a few years later*

You and goku lived alone together after the suddent death of Gohan you and goku were pretty sad about it. Two mysterious monsters killed gokus grandpa (author-chan: ayyyy if you know those monsters you're rossome). But you and goku stayed strong the only thing he left for you and goku to remember him by was a strange ball with 4 stars on it. You and goku took care of that ball very well you two left it on a table with a pillow underneath it. You and goku trained for years before gohans death and still train today. You guys we're extremely strong for kids even gohan know that. You guys would sometimes fight each other for training but neither one of you would win. But today was the day where your life and gokus life get a whole lot cooler.


me and goku were walking on logs it was fun! We saw monkeys and birds and all types of animals it was cool we greeted some of them to! Anyways we were going back home to train and once we did we got the logs and started to do our battle stance we grabbed the log threw it in the air and jumped to kick the log and break it into a nice pile of wood. Training with goku can be fun but I can also get hungry. "Well that takes care of that I'm hungry let's go find something to eat Y/N" goku said to me. "Okay I'm getting hungry to" I said back. Goku and i then went back inside the house to get some stuff which wasn't very much I got my powerpole and goku got his powerpole. Goku's powerpole was a orange redish color while mine was F/C. Before me and goku went to search for food we said bye to gohan well the ball with 4 stars. "We'll be back soon grandpa this won't take long" goku said. Then the ball started to glow "look goku!" I yelled and pointed at the glowing ball. Goku and I looked it "golly grandpa I never seen you glow like that before can you do it again" goku said as the ball dimmed out. "Its alright Mr.gohan you can wait if you have to" I said smiling. Goku smiled back and said goodbye again to his grandpa. We then started walking threw a forest, the forest where goku and gohan and I met in fact. "So what are we going to eat today Y/N" goku asked me I thought for a moment "golly goku I don't know there's just so many choices" I said to goku with a smile. "Hey tummy what do you want to eat" goku asked his stomach "fish?" Goku said. Then I smiled and goku smiled to "fish that sounds good!" Me and goku said together. Then we started hopping around really fast and started swinging on some vines. "But first let's get a little snack okay Y/N" goku said swinging up to an apple tree. "Sure goku" I said as I hopped on the apple tree
And ate a apple from it. Then goku got an apple and ate then....


Author-chan: yaaa I didn't know where to leave of soo yaaaa I hoped you enjoyed! *smiles*

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