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"Tana plea-"

"No Justin!" Montana yells, finally breaking her silence."I ca- no, no I refuse to do this any longer"

"Please dont go" He whispers grabbing onto her and getting on his knees. "I love you"

"And I love you to Jay" She says going down to his level on the ground so they both were face to face. "Thats why I have to go.."

"I can get you whatever you want, we can even get a house together it'll be like you always dreamed of." He smiles at her hopefully, grabbing hold of her hands then onto her cheeks. Frowning when the little smile she did have faded into a small frown at his suggestions. "Just please dont leave me...I cant loose you Tana"

He whispered the last part.

"Your not loosing me Justin, I just think its best if I leave for a while, so we can clear our minds of some things"

"Gosh Justin yes I do!" She yells backing away from him against the door that would officially make her, the one that got away. "And you just proved my point!"

He looks at her confused, until she blows an aggravated breath before continuing her rant.

"All you ever do lately is throw money at me, and buy me anything that I touch or even look at for more than 30 seconds when ever we actually have time to go out together. Then whenever we do want to plan something romantic it never works out because we always end up sexually frustrated from not fucking in the past week from working so much!"

At this point Justin is staring at her a little taken back by her sudden outburst, but also coming to realization that everything she's saying is true.

And he was clueless to it all. They both were at one point..

"...my point is, its not fair for neither of us, you know it isnt and at this point its best to just pull the plug on this before anyone gets hurt even more"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean im breaking up with you Jay, and when I leave I hope you find someone who doesn't have a busy schedule like mine, and can fit into yours" For the first time ever since their argument started from last night, til' this morning, Montana genuinely smiles. And Justin, also for the first time, returns that smile, pulling her from the door she was sitting against, and turning her so that her back was between his legs.

"And I hope you find someone that makes more time for you,more than Ive been able to lately" He mumbles while kissing her temples. "Thats what you deserve"

The best he thought to his self.

And they sat there for the next hour in a comfortable silence, holding onto each other as if it was their last time together. And with all of Montanas belongings in suitcases and bags, sitting infront of the front door ready to leave. Im sure it was the last time they would be able to hold onto each other in such a way.


So that happened..
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novacane; jb.zcWhere stories live. Discover now