Chapter eleven

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Louis woke up, nestled beside a tiny sleeping figure laying halfway on his chest. Leo’s head was under his chin, her tiny fist balled on his ribs, in front of her face. Harry’s hand rested between Leo’s shoulder blades, expanding over the width of her shoulders.

The bed was too comfortable and warm despite the frigid air leaking in from outside. Louis stretched, stirring Leo. Her brows furrowed , unwilling to wake up just yet as she repositioned herself on her foster father.

Louis carefully slid the pliant toddler off of him, exiting the haven of his bed to get ready for his early lectures. Leo whined, yawning as she scooted closer to Harry; seeking the warmth that had left her. He subconsciously put an arm around her, drawing her to his chest as they both quickly fell back to sleep.

‘While our blood’s still young…. So young it runs… won’t stop till it’s over…’

Harry’s phone interrupted the tranquil silence in the room, crying out until Harry reached out to his bedside table and answered it.

“’Ello?” He asked, voice like gravel. It was an editor for one of the magazine he shot for. They desperately needed him at the shoot today, the other photographer had been in an accident and couldn’t make it. He informed Louis.

“ ‘ooh’s uhna ak ee-oh.” Louis asked, a mouth full of foam.

“What?” Harry replied, trying to rub sleep out of his eyes. Louis spit into the sink, rinsing his mouth and putting his brush in the holder.

“I said, who’s going to watch Leo?” He repeated, eyes taking in his sleepy husband; curls disheveled and cheeks flushed.

“We could ask Liam and Zayn?” Harry suggested, picking up his own toothbrush.

“I’ll go call.” Louis agreed, picking up his cell phone.

“Hello?” An accented voice answered.

“Zayn? This has GOT to be a sign of the apocalypse; you’re up before noon.” Louis laughed

“Oh come off it, what do you need Lou?”

“I was wondering if you and Liam could watch Leo. It’s the first time Harry and I have got work on the same day and we need someone to stay with her.”

“Well sure, bring her over whenever. Niall’s staying home today too, so she’ll have someone else to keep her company. I’ve got work today though.”

“Thanks mate,” Louis cheered, clicking ‘end’.

He began packing Leo a little bag, putting a snack, her battered sketch book, extra clothes, and emergency numbers in case something happened.

He draped the bag on the counter and went to find Leo. She was dead center in the big white bed, taking up minimal room and still fast asleep.

“Leo…” Louis whispered, shaking her shoulder a bit, “Leo… wake up…” He got a response. Leo turned her head away from him, inching the opposite direction. Louis chuckled.

“Come on babe… you get to stay with Liam and Niall today.” He felt her breathing stop, Leo going completely still.

“Don’t worry, it’ll just be for a little while.  Me and Harry will pick you up as soon as possible. Promise.” She started breathing again, facing back towards Louis to look at him with worried, miss matched eyes.

He picked her off the bed and she struggled in his arms, trying to stretch out stiff muscles. He carried her into her own room to get her dressed. He picked a maroon jumper, the word ‘Brit’ across the chest, off a hanger in the closet and a pair of dark blue jeans and layed them on the bed. He unzipped Leo’s purple footie pajamas and helped her into the fresh clothes, sliding on little white socks when he was done.

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