Malec: Together Forever

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(this story Is set in the City of Ashes, where Alec stayed at Magnus' for a day or so so that Jace could be freed for that period)

"So..." Alec said, with a slight tinge of nervousness. "It's just me and you now in here."

"Yeah," Magnus said as he closed the door, reaching for his book again and bending down to study about the Ritual of Infernal Conversion. He gestured around without looking up, "Make yourself comfortable. You can help yourself with anything, as long as you don't disturb me."

Alec felt himself blush faintly. Calm down, he told himself. It's just a few hours with your first date. It's not like the end of the world.

He followed his own command and got to the kitchen for a drink, his mind still blurry and unfocused just because he was alone in the same apartment with Magnus.

With his shaky hands he tried to pour himself and Magnus some wine, but failed to do so as he spilled whatever drink he could manage to pour in his cup. He was just panicking on how he should clean up the mess on Magnus' wooden floor without letting him notice, when the spilled drinks suddenly disappeared on their own.

Looking up, he saw Magnus at the door, gazing down at him, leaning his slim but broad shoulders against the door frame. The boy froze with terror and looked up as panic swelled up like a balloon inside him and burst in a matter of seconds. He only managed to stutter "I-I'm sorry. I, I, uh..." before Magnus interrupted.

"There's no need to apologize, Alexander." Magnus said calmly, with mild interest shown clearly in his cat eyes. "Speaking of which, which kind of wine were you trying to pour for me?"


Magnus just loved the way Alec blushed when he was feeling guilty. Alec's cheeks didn't just flare up in a second: they changed very slowly and gradually, from pale-white to hot-pink. Even just his normal look looks cute, with Magnus' favourite combination: midnight-black hair and shocking blue eyes. Eventually Magnus couldn't constrain himself and had gotten up to follow Alec, just so that he could absorb in the whole lean figure of Alec.


Alec was totally taken aback. He'd always thought that Magnus would expect him to behave, to be more careful, to be more this and that. Despite the fact that he had been dating once with Magnus before, he had never been staying with Magnus for so long as to a few hours or even a whole day in his house. This is harder than I thought, Alec thought in his head. He'd be more normal if he got mad and broke up with me.
Having no idea what to do, he had obviously been too clumsy to be Magnus' boyfriend. But then he considered the fact that Magnus sometimes managed even worse than he did, so maybe he still wasn't so bad, after all.
Seeing the fact that Alec was too surprised by Magnus' ease in the spilling of his wine, Magnus strode over to the kitchen table himself and read the lables out aloud. "Red wine made in 1881 and imported from France. Not bad, eh?"
Alec smiled, halfly because he suddenly thought of Jace, holding the wine bottle the same way Magnus did, with his right hand supporting the lower part of the bottle and his left hand supporting the bottleneck just very lightly, so that the wine bottle always looked like it was going to topple over any second. Even the way Magnus smiled--his lips sliding easily to his cheeks, like nothing ever bothered him--felt like Jace.
The thought of Jace as him boyfriend made Alec's skin burn hard against his cheeks. He quickly looked down, trying his best to hide his stupid blush.
Magnus, however, noticed his movement and set the wine bottle back down on the table, crouching down in front of Alec.
"Alec, what's wrong?" He asked. His voice was tender, but at the same time it was also tinged with anxiousness.
Alec held his head even more closely to his neck, hiding his face completely in his own shadows. "Nothing," he muttered.
"Alec, look at me." Magnus put his hand under Alec's chin, and lifted his face.
For a split second Magnus' eyes were full of concern, but they were gone immediately when he saw that Alec was just hiding his blush. He heaved a sigh of relief with a slight edge of laughter, "Oh, Alexander, You have to stop being so nervous. It's just a few hours with me, you know."
Without a word his hands moved to Alec's, and they pulled Alec upwards with a force so large that it even surprised Alec for Magnus to have such a strong pair of arms. Or maybe it had just been him behaving too shell-shockedly.
"Come on," Magnus said with a grin as he straightened himself. "I have something that I want to show you."
And he took the lead without looking back, trusting Alec to follow him.

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