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Riley's pov
Me and Josh decided to meet at the park. When I got there I see that Josh is standing by a tree. "Hey." I said. "Hey. What's up?" Josh asked. "Not much." "Same." "So what do you want to do?" I asked. "This." Josh said while grabbing my black beanie off of my head and took off running. "Josh get back here." I yelled. "Never." Josh yelled. So I took off running after him. After running for what felt like forever I finally caught up with Josh and tackled him to the ground and got my beanie back. After awhile goofing off in the park we decided to go to Josh's house and watch a movie. Once the movie ended I looked at my phone and noticed that it was almost 12:00 a.m. I told Josh bye then left to go home. Once I was home I put my pajamas on and went to bed.

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