chapter 35

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The ride home was silent. Why wouldn't it be? We had just lost our parents. Our care-givers for the first 19 years of our lives. So many questions scattered through my brain. How will we tell the kids? Will this affect us our whole life? How will the kids take this? Kayla had calmed down a bit. Me on the other hand... I'm still a wreck. I don't even remember the last time I cried this much. It's horrible to think they're gone now. We'll never see their smiling faces, most of my nieces and nephews won't even know them. It's awful. Just plain awful.

When we got to Kayla's parents house, we saw Zack playing with his new dinosaurs on the front porch with her dad. That brought a smile to my face for the first time in an hour. We pulled into the driveway, so nervous to tell Zack everything that happened. Of course he's only 4 so we gotta keep it simple.

"Hey Dad," Kayla greeted her. He could already tell by the look on her face things aren't okay.

"I'm so sorry," he told us. "Ross if there's anything we can do for you guys you give us a call. Don't hesitate."

"Thanks Brad," I thanked him.

"How are the rest of them?" He asked.

"Not doing well," I explained. "We're all gonna take a different road on this journey though. Everyone copes with pain differently." He nodded.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Zack exclaimed, hugging us both.

"Hey sweetie," Kayla said, hugging him back.

"Hey Zack " I said.

"Are grandma and grandpa okay?" He asked innocently; the question I was dreading. Kayla and I exchanged looks.

"Honey grandma and grandpa are angels now," I explained to him. "They're up in the sky."

"So like mommy and daddy?" he asked us.

"Yea," I told him, thinking about Courtney. "Just like mommy and daddy."


I was feeling so depressed after all this. I had mixed emotions; I was angry that this all was happening, sad because I had just lost my parents, and kind of happy cause I know they're in a better place. I just don't know what's in store for us the next month. It's gonna be rough, I won't lie. We're all gonna be different for a while.

We picked up the twins from Hannah's parents house and went home. We also are having Reagan live with us as well. All we wanted to do was sit around. We weren't motivated to do anything. It was an awful feeling really. We still need to make funeral arrangements, talk to my siblings about what we're gonna do with the house, what we're gonna do with all their stuff. It's so much pressure along with the loss. I just feel... I don't even know. Lost I guess without them.

This was literally the worst day of my life. Losing my parents was the worst thing that could ever happen to me. They always knew what to tell me if I needed advice, they took care of me when I was sick, they drove me to school. I honestly don't know what's up the road for us all. Ellington and I were more of a wreck once we got home. I mean the were pretty much his second parents. And thinking that our baby boy will never meet them burns me.

"Babe what are you guys going to do with the house?" he asked me. I shrugged.

"I honestly don't know," I explained. "Maybe they had a will and one of us gets it. I have no idea." It was silent after that.

We picked up Conner from Alexa's folks and went home to rest. This has been a very stressful day. Between the party, the accident... I can't even get myself to say the rest. It hurts to say it. I mean I don't know how I'm going to tell Conner when he's older that... his grandparents died. That he'll never be able to get spoiled by them. No grandma and grandpa's house sleepovers with the cousins. I just... I don't know what's next. If I'm supposed to get through this or stay like this forever.

I'm staying with Sav for some time until we figure out what we're doing with the house; sell or keep. Sav had me wrapped in her arms as I continued to cry.

"It'll be okay," she cooed. "You'll get through this."

"Sav I can't," I explained. "I don't know what to do with myself. My parent are dead. I have nowhere to live. I'm not even married!"

"Trust me," she assured me. "It'll all work itself out somehow, someway." I prayed that she was right. That I wouldn't feel this pain burning though my heart right now the rest of my life. I hoped I'd get to the point where I realized they were in a better place. They weren't suffering anymore. They were happy. And watching over us all.

A/N: so... kinda depressing but I wanted to show you how all of them deal with this. I have 1 more chapter left in this story then it's time for a sequel! 😜 can't wait to start! Already have some ideas on where I wanna go with it 😏 thanks for all the views BTW! This is absolutely INSANE! I never thought it was that good 😂 but thanks again! ❤️

•Emm 😚

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