Chapter 4

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I walked downstairs from putting Reagan into bed and sat down with Mom.

"Look," I began. "Reagan doesn't trust guys. She wouldn't let Ross help her unpack. I think her dad was the one who beat her up. That's why she didn't wanna sit next to Riker."

She shook her head. "That makes sense," she replied. "I would probably be scared too."

"We should try and attempt to get her comfortable around the boys but don't put pressure on her. We're still new to her."

"Yeah," I replied. "I can't wait to go shopping tomorrow though!!" I exclaimed.

"I'm so happy you're enjoying having a sister," Dad said.

"How wouldn't I be? I've been living with boys my whole life!"

"Hey!" Ross yelled from the kitchen.

"Oh please. Like I'm not annoying to you most of the time."

He ignored me because he knew I was right. We watched a little bit of TV before all of us decided it was time to hit the hay.

"Night guys!" I said to my family.

"Night hun," Mom called.

I hopped in my bed and was out like a light in no time.


Ross' POV

I woke up after a good nights sleep. It sounded like someone else was up because I could hear footsteps upstairs. I walked up to find Mom grabbing a rag and a bowl. What in the world...?

"Morning," I yawned.

"Hey sweetie. I think Rydel caught the flu. She's been throwing up all morning."

"Oh great."

"You be nice," she slightly scolded. "I'm hoping Reagan doesn't end up catching it. She spent a lot of time with Rydel yesterday."

"Wasn't Delly supposed to take Reag shopping this morning?" Mom gasped.

"Oh no! I wonder how she's gonna take that."

"I don't know," I told her. I walked up with Mom to Rydel's room and found her on the bed curled in her covers shaking like crazy.

"I wish I hadn't gotten sick," she said. "Reagan's gonna be... wait."

She paused for a minute. "What?" I asked.

"You can take her!" she said to me.

"What? Me? I thought she didn't trust me."

"That's BEFORE she goes shopping with you. You're going. Brother and sister time. Plus you can gain some trust that way." That would be nice knowin that Reagan trusted me.

"Fine," I sighed. Then I heard a scream from Reagan's room.

"I'll get it," I blurted out and ran to her room. She was sitting up in shock, kinda huffing and puffing.

"It's okay," I comforted. "It was just a dream."

She backed away from me quickly.'"Where's Delly?" she asked.

"She's sick," I told her. "So you probably shouldn't go near her right now."

Reag started crying quietly. "But... she was supposed to take me shopping today. Sissy time."

I don't know how this would work but I hugged her. Surprisingly she didn't pull away.

"How bout this? I'll go shopping with you today and Delly can take you another time?"

She looked up at me with her big blue eyes. "You would?"

I smiled real big, going that that was a yes. "Of course I would, princess. You're my little sister now. I'll do anything with you if you want to."

"Okay! You can take me today." That was the best feeling in the world. Knowing that she trusted me.

"Cool! You want me to help you get ready?"

"No thanks. I can get it." I walked out of her room and into Rydel's with a huge smile on my face.

"I think I just gained some trust with Reagan," I exclaimed. "She's okay with me taking her shopping today."

Mom looked astonished. "That's great sweetie! I'm so glad she's warming up a bit."

"Same," Rydel said. Then I heard a soft knock on the door. Reagan was outside of it peeking her head in.

"Can I come in?" she asked.

"Sure," Mom said. "Just don't get too close to Delly. Okay?"

She shook her head and came in. "Are you okay sissy?" Okay this kid is the cutest kid ever to live!

"Yeah. I'm just a little sick is all. But don't worry. I'll be better soon. You'll see."

She smiled. "Rossy is gonna take me shopping today. Is that okay?"

"Of course! You guys have fun."

"Okay. I'm gonna go change." and off she went.

"Rossy huh?" Mom asked. "That's so cute!!" she squealed.

"I know. How could someone be so abusive to such an adorable and sweet little girl like her?"

Rydel held her mouth and gagged.

"Not here!!!" I yelled. She ran to the bathroom and did her thing. Nasty!

She came back in looking a little pale. "I'm gonna get some sleep," she said.

I left her room and went into Reagan's. She was already dressed but her hair was still a mess.

"Do you want Mommy to do your hair?" I asked.

"Sure," she answered. I called Mom up and she braided it and put a clip on the side. She looked absolutely adorable!

"Alrighty Reagan. I think we're all ready!" I announced. "You ready?"

She shook her head vigorously. "Okay," ill go grab the car seat and we'll be on our way!"

Reagan skipped out the door and onto the side walk. Today is gonna be great!

A/N: I wrote this in study hall as well! 😊 I can't believe the amount of votes already! If only my others had that much 😉 See ya! Hopefully I'll be able to update tonight too!


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