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Childhood was a long word. Well too long for haly to say for all the childhood she had felt or seen was non existent. The birthdays, the happiness the freedom to be young. The silly talks with your parents. Getting away with anything and everything. It just ...Didn't occur. In fact she lived for years in fear pleading for safety; to not be beaten up the next day. She had become quite and frail at first like a willowing flower. She became quite and shy. Scared of what people would think. Scared that he might attack her. But after a while she began to become rebellious. Not in her life at home but outside. She wasn't constricted. She felt like a mature person. Able to make her decisions. So she decided how she wanted to be viewed on the out side world and that was happy, free and ....
Well for that matter I wont say just yet because it's for her to say. Right now I have to let her speak. She's quite the character I tell you. So ladies and gentlemen I give you Hali osment

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