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    I walked through the grasses so excited.This was the second time I left the quarters.I was so excited that I cut flowers and put them on my hair.

     I heard voices ahead of me so I quickly hid behind the bush and watched. A group of teenagers: three boys and a girl, she was leaning on a boy at the middle which I guess was her boyfriend.There was this boy at the rear end that was tall, so charming and gallant but he appeared to be very quiet because the other guys were abusing him, telling him that he is not man enough to approach a girl,he was so quiet that he didn't reply them but only frowned.
                  I came out of my hiding place and walked past them swaying my hips,I didn't go far away when I heard the Mr. Not man enough guy say:
'I am tired of being abused by you guys I will prove to you guys that I am man enough'
I was dragged, I made an effort of screaming but my mouth was clamped. He layed me down. And raped me there!!
     I was so shy when he was through.I stood up and saw his friends staring, waiting to see my reaction. I was soaked in tears . it was so painful.
" Is that what you feel is being man enough?.Raping an underaged girl, snatching her virginity in an ungodly way is what is man enough?.so I think he's proved you guys wrong that he is man enough?'

I could see all their faces staring at me, maybe expecting me to slap him or do anything rude but I ran away, as fast as I could to my prison.maybe this is the price tag of freedom.

'Your mom came looking for you. I told her that you refused seeing anyone ever since that day, she said some few words at the door and later left'
" That's very good, Thank you '
I entered my room and slammed the door after me, locking it securely.
I wasn't planning to go out soon not even to bathe.
I jumped on the bed like it was my refuge.Thats all I've got with my novels.
Three days later....
I didn't feel like bathing.I spent the past 3 days hating everything about my MR.NotManEnough.
But now I discovered how lonely and helpless I am.Our public sex kept on replaying on my mind like there was someone somewhere with a remote controlling it .
I couldn't let go ..
I heard a knock on the door, I waited to be sure that it wasn't my mom and he said
'its me, the security'
"May I sit?"
"Sure" I said geting back on the bed.I looked at him and I saw he was squeezing his face
'What died in here?'
"My fReeDOM"
'Oh'..he chuckled hard..
' Wana talk about it?'
'Sure ..I lost it...'
' Really? Then what happened? Who stole it away?'
' I don't mean my freedom, I mean my virginity' I squealed
He widened his gaze in surprise..
' Oh am dead! I've certainly lost my job...You lost it to whom?
What is his name? Where does he come from?'
' Cool your temper... Your freaking out more than me. And am sure even more than my parents when they hear this.. I don't know a damn thing about him'
' That's not how ladies behave.You can't let him have you if he dosen....'
" Thank God am not a lady in the world, am a lady in prison.The ladies out there don't know what it feels like to be me..I didn't even let that be the reason to have sex with me. He raped me. I felt bad about it then but now if I see him, I could rape him myself'
" Oh!! No!! I'll make sure I stop the orders of romantic novels for you. No more reading of that"
" You won't dare to do that.."
" We shall see!! I'll take my leave now.. Before you get married If only you stay away from sex, youl close up down there"
' Thanks a lot for being there to always here my shit..and thats what guys in my novels do please do marry me!',
' For the hundredth time, No'
I crawled under the sheets ...
He opened the door to leave before saying ' Goodnight my angel'
I refused replying cause as long as I would have a bad big night, I wanted him to do so too.
I swallowed my saliva as if to ease the anger as the security sent the book shop man away for the ninth time because he brought me novels..I felt life like killing him..I clutched the ones I had left..they were all I had for now and I didn't wana loose them .
7 years later...

I looked at myself on the mirror my groom sent for me.
Ive never seen him but he sent me so many gifts ever since he was 18 and he wrote letters and I was supposed to feel loved but instead I felt irritated..
My MrNot-Man-EnoughGuy took all my love and till now, two days before my 23Rd birthday, if I still see him..I will marry him..
The security got into the room, I warned him never to knock that he was part of me. He sat down on the bed.
' Hey, whatsap with the long face?' I asked moving away from the mirror to sit beside him.
"There is trouble, your in laws are sending a doctor in the next 40 minutes to check your virginity status"
' WHAT are we gona do?'
'I'm in more trouble than you are, they will definitely say I raped you and my job or hope for having another similar job is ruined'
" You love talking about your job like it is your life" I said as I stood up frowning.
'it is..I'm payed you know what it is to keep a girl from young Age till when she's 23...I'm payed well'
'Oh I see, that's why you don't wana fall in love with me'
"Be serious I ..."
We were interrupted by a knock on the door..
'Please anybody in? I cant find the security..Its doctor Elvis sent by your in-laws?
Omg..what are we gona do?.?
Hey guys,
Do not pass me by without comenting with your views and dont forget to give me likes and votes..but most importantly I want your comments so that i know how good I am..
Love you guys .Muah!!!

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