Chapter 1: The Great Escape

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I sat on the bed, listening to my parents fight outside my door. I came home late again, I was always the reason for their fights.. I just sat and listened, listened to my mom call me a disgrace, while my dad tried to defend me some what.. My dad had cancer and wasn't very stable, and my mum wasn't helping anything, they used to be my best friends. Until my dad caught my mum with another guy, but he forgave her like he always does, when she fucks something up..

I felt something wet drip onto my bare leg, I was still in short shorts and crop top from the night before. I wiped it off, I hadn't realized I was crying.. I stood up quietly and crept into my private bathroom. My family is actually rich, but my dad has it all and if anything happens to him, all the money comes to me not my mum.. After I got into the bathroom I did my business, then went to find my secret razor. I got it out and slid down my wall, and cried that's all I could do, cried until nothing else would come. I finally was calm enough to slide the razor over my wrist, I watched the blood pour out.. I thought it was time I cleaned up I didn't here them yelling anymore anyways. I put away my razor cleaned my wrist, then pulled down my sleeve so they wouldn't notice. Not like they'd care anyways..

"Ellie dear come down for dinner" I heard my mum scream, I laid staring at the ceiling. I wasn't hungry, rarely was I ever.. "ELLIE I SAID COME AND EAT" Her scream was more violent. I didn't make a move, I don't know why I didn't move I always go down there.. I just didn't want to it hurt I guess.. 

I heard stomping up the steps... Oh great here she comes.. My door slammed open, pretty sure that caused a hole.. "I TOLD YOU TO COME AND EAT GET OFF YOUR LAZY ARSE AND COME DOWN!"

I nodded and slowly stood up, I pushed past her and walked out not saying one word to her. I hate her. I wish I could get away, away from everything. I sat down at the table and just stared at the food. I didn't want to eat, I'd get sick, I hate this.. We all sat at the table not saying one word, I played in my food to make it look like I was actually eating it, I've done this everyday now for about a year. They've never noticed, I don't think they ever will though.. I watched my dad, he was acting different, he wasn't eating like he used to. There was something clearly wrong, I think it's his cancer, I wasn't ready for him to leave me yet. Not until I got out of this house and away from mum. But I don't think that's going to happen..

------ It's been about 1 month ------

Dad hasn't been getting out of bed except to use the toilet. Mum hasn't been home lately she's probably with another guy. Maybe I should get a job.. No, I can't I have to stay with my daddy..

I lightly knocked on his door and peeped my head into the door, "Daddy would you like something to eat or drink?"

"Yes dear, a cuppa please."  

"Alright, I'll bring it right to you," I walked downstairs and into the kitchen pouring some putting a bit of sugar in, and mixing it, I grabbed a biscuit to go with it, I know he won't eat it but its worth the shot. I walked back upstairs, and into his room he was watching the Telly he smiled lightly at me as I laid the cup and biscuit on the side table. 

"Thank you honey" he smiled, grabbing the cup sipping it.. I started to walk out, "Ellie..?"

"Yes dad?" I turned to look at him standing by the door.

"Would you like to watch the Telly with me..?" He asked staring at me..

I smiled at him, "yeah dad, I love you" I said quietly sitting beside him..

"Thank you I guess I get a bit lonely, and I love you too darling" he said smiling, "I choose what we watch though!" He said excitedly..

"Same old you" I laughed getting comfortable.

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