Chapter 13: The Way I Feel

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Ellie's POV 

It had been a week since I was staying with Eric, I had packed for I think it was time for me to go home. Tom has been begging me for the past couple of days to come back. I had told Eric everything, and he helped me through it. I felt like I was finally able to face Nathan. Eric was walking me back home, he only lived five minutes off from the house. "You have something on your mind." Eric interrupted my thoughts. 

I looked up at him, "it's just.. It's funny how we try to move on and at the same time, hold on."  I sighed looking back down.

"Hey, look at me." I looked up at him, "cheer up, beautiful girl you are going to love again and it will magnificent." He rubbed my back and kissed the top of my head. I smiled at him.

"Thanks Eric, you've helped me a tremendous amount, I love you. You're the bestest friend I could ask for, thank you for helping me." 

"You're welcome, I'm always here when you need me darling, cause I know it's the same when I need you."

I smiled, "that is true." 

He walked me up to the door, none of the lads knew I was coming home today, he kissed me on the temple, and started on his way back to his house. I knocked on the door. I heard a boltan accent throughout the house screaming, "I GOT IT!" The door swung open, I just stood there, and smiled.

I reached out my hand, "hi, I'm Ellie. I was wondering if I could live her." I said in my best posh accent. 

He laughed at me, and pulled me into a bone crushing hug, "you're back Els, oh my god you're back!" He wouldn't let go, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, and ran into the house leaving my bags outside by the door. "SHE'S BACK LADS, ELLIE IS BACK!" All of a sudden there was thumps coming down the stairs, and from the kitchen. Tom had put me down, everybody was now pulling me into a group hug. I hadn't stopped laughing since I walked in. When everyone pulled away, I saw that Nathan and two girls standing off to the side. I smiled at all of them, Nathan smiled back. I walked over to him.

"May I have a hug Sykes?" I asked, he opened his arms, and pulled me into a comforting hug, I smiled into his chest. The blonde girl cleared her throat making him pull away from me. "So introduce me!" I said cheerfully ignoring the blonde girl, who was now all over Nathan. 

"Well this is um.. This is Jezzabelle." He pointed at the blonde girl.

"Oh like the evil princess in the bible, you're parents loved you sweetie." I smiled and turned towards the gorgeous red headed girl. "You are?" 

"That's my beautiful girlfriend Katrina," Max spoke up coming up and wrapping his arms around her petite waist. 

"Nice to meet you Katrina!" I shook her hand.

"I've heard tons about you from T-" I heard someone clear their throat. "From the other lads." She smiled sweetly.  I smiled back, then looked around the room. 

"Where is Steph?" 

"She's upstairs, she isn't feeling so well, she's been throwing up these past couple of mornings," Siva said looking at me.

My eyes widened, and they all looked at me curiously. I pushed Jezzabelle out of the way of the stairs, causing her to fall, "oops, my bad." I called down the stairs. I ran into Siva and Steph's room. "Are you pregnant?!" I whispered at Steph, after I hugged her. 

She sighed, and pulled her hair up. "I.. I think I am, I haven't told Seev either.." 

"Well have you had you know unprotected sex?"  

She nodded, "only once." 

"Have you bought a test?" She shook her head no. "I am going to get you one." 

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