Chapter 1

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sup! So, this is a little story i wrote, I don't know if its any good :3

Enjoys! ~~

May I just say, life is nothing like a film. Sometimes the good don't always win. Sometimes the bad get away with it. Life is cruel.

I silently prayed that one of them would attack the man. I begged. The cold brick wall seeped into my back, and my whole body went cold. The darkness enclosed me, and I could just about see the mans features. A thin nose, a wide mouth, and two small eyes. He was in his mid thirtys, I guessed, and he absoulutly reaked of cigarette smoke and alcohol. The two strangers being held captive next to me shivered. I could feel there fear. They could feel mine. The thick aroma of car fumes hung in the air, and cold sweat stuck to my brow. My eyes darted back and forth, as I wondered frantically how it could've led from my in the disco, having the best night of my life, to me being forced agaisnt a wall, (along with two other boys who had gotten picked off the street).

"Don't say anything." The man slurred, keeping his hand over my mouth. He turned to his buddy who was keeping the other two quiet. "These three be... these three be okay?"

The other man nodded uncertainly.

"Sir, are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes!" He cried, obviously drunk. "We have to do this now..." He fell slightly to the side, as he pulled a long shringe out of his pocket.

My eyes buldged. He was going to drug me! What if I would be forced to take heroine, or cannibis, or cocaine-

Shut up, brain, do you're job! How am I going to get ot of this? Just think!

I could feel the two strangers squirm next to me. The tall, dark boy clamped his teeth into the big guys hand. The big guy just laughed.

"For that!" He sniggered. "Little Miss Red here goes first!"

I glared at him. Half cursing him for doing it, half pleading him to try something better.

Suddenly, the man pinning me back lunged at my forearm. I squealed helplessly as the needle pieced through my top and into my skin. It hurt. Alot.

Finally, he pulled out the needle. As soon as he did, I felt light headed. Then my body started going very, very cold, and the world started to go darker than it already was. I slumped agaisnt the wall, and caught a glimse of the other two being drugged as I passed out.


It was so dark, so dark... The black was seeping into my eyes, and I started to panic.

What if they hard gouged my eyes out? What if I had been locked in a prison for the rest of my life? What if I was in a car boot? I flailed my limbs to see if I hit any metal. I had heard many horrible stories of people suffocating in car boots, and no one hearing their screams.

It was then that I realised my eyes were closed. I felt like a fool, until I remembered what had happened.

The disco. Me walking down the street. Two hands on my shoulders. A needle going in my arm.

I opened my eyes. I was in a van with white walls and a metal floor. I saw one of the boys who had been drugged sitting on the metal seat, watching the door, as if his mind would open it. He was the tall dark one. The other blond boy was out cold on the floor, a small dribble of spit running down his chin.

I groaned as I sat up, rubbing my forehead. I had a killer headache and my mouth was dry.

I had been kidnapped! Oh my God! I gasped and frantically looked around. The dark haired boy turned to me. His brown eyes burned mine, and our emotions reflected each other- fear.

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