Chapter 2

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Blondie woke up. He stretched and groaned as if he was just waking up, and leaped out of his skin in surprize to see he was in a van.

"What the-" He stuttered. He swiveled his head around and stared wide eyed at me and Wolf.

"Hey." Wolf boy said casally with a twang in his voice. Blondie put his hands on the floor to try and push himself up.

"Don't." I told him. Then I glared at Wolf and said, "It kinda kills you if you try to get up." Wolf smirked back at me. Blondie rubbed the back of his head and felt nervously on his upper arm to find the needles hole. He was wearing a t shirt and a thick hoodie, but the needle had still pierced through it. I grimaced remembering the night.

"Oh my..." He gasped, realising the situation.

"Funny." Wolf smirked. "Red here had a simular reaction."

Blondie frowned.

"Who are you?" He asked through narrow eyes. I opened my mouth to speak, but Wolf cut in, much to my annoyance.

"I'm Gregg." He introduced. "But for some reason Red here calls me Wolf.""

I was too tired to come up with a good insult. I stuck my tongue out at him childishly, and smiled warmly and Blondie.

"I'm... Red." I shrugged awkwardly. "Just call me Red."

Blondie raised his eyebrow.

"I'm... not really sure how to react to this situation, but you can call me Matt."

I rolled my eyes. Great. Another jokester. All boys are the same. I started to dread how this whole... adventure... was going to play out. Well, what other word was I suppost to use? I fully grasp how dangerous this situation is, I do. Its just... I don't really no how to react to it. But one things for sure, I was going to escape. I would not let them take me away from my life.

Oh no.

It's weird. I always thought my life was terrible. I went to a crap school, I was alergic to just about everything, and I had tons of homework. But being taken away from it, it surprized me how much I missed it.

I joke.

I just wanted to hear myself think that. Its just like being in the movies. Really, not that I wanted to be kidnapped, but it didn't change my perpective of my life one bit.


Life really isn't like the movies.

I returned to my thinking. I continued working on one of my daydreams.

"Shouldn't we try to get to know each other? It seems like we will be spending a lot of time together." Matt interupted my daydreaming.

I smiled. That did seem like a good idea.

"I'll go first." Wolf declared. "I am 17, I live in Wales, and I like to play football and..."

"You don't sound very Welsh." I had noticed he had a slight Welsh accent, but it was masked by an English one.

"We only moved there a year ago." He told me.

"What were you doing in Bath?" matt asked. Wolf sighed.

"It's like i'm teaching a class." He chuckled.

"Except we don't respect you in any way." I joked. He frowned at me, but returned to his story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2011 ⏰

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