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"I wanna leave... Like go somewhere no one will ever find me." I perched on the edge of Isac's bed and he perched next to me.

"Then let's go. I know a place we can go." He told me and k turned to him.

"Why would you run away with me? You have this amazing career and fans that adore you. I..." I paused remembering my sister on the street.
"I'm just trying to make it for someone important to me..." I covered my hands with my sleeves as that's what I do when I'm nervous.

"Pick your back pack back up and we'll get out of here before anyone sees." He placed both of his arms in his backpack and grabbed my coat, placing it over my shoulders before helping me out my back pack on my shoulders.

"Thanks." I told him and he placed his hood over his head. He looked out to check no one was there and then we snuck out of his room and out of our hotel room.

"Don't you have a show to put on?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"Already done. No more shows for a while." He shrugged as we left the building out into the pouring rain. He took off his SnapBack which he had on and placed on top of my head to keep the top of my head dry. He was really sweet.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I ignored it knowing it was dad or someone else trying to get hold of me. Isac grabbed my arm and we ran to stand under neath the bus shelter.

"Well this isn't the best weather but it's gonna have to do." He stared up at the sky and then checked the board for the next bus.

"How long do we have to wait?" I asked him, wrapped my coat around me as it was getting cold and dark.

"20 minutes." He told me and I pouted. The rain was getting heavier and I stepped back again until I was right up against the seats of the bus shelter. We were the only two people waiting... Which i wasn't surprised about...

"Are you okay?" He asked me, coming closer... I didn't respond. Whenever it rained I remembered my sister was all alone out on the streets.

"Can we do something first? There's someone k really need to see before we leave." I asked him and he smiled and nodded.

"Sure. We've got plenty of time to kill." He smiled and turned around to walk away. I pulled his hood down and pushed him out into the rain.
"Hey." He poured as the raindrops fell down his perfect structured face! All I did was laugh as he ran back into the bus shelter and grabbed his SnapBack placing it on his head before grabbing me by the waist and pulling me out into the rain...

"Isac." I yelled at him still laughing as I was getting wet.

"Payback is a bitch." He laughed and then released me. I grabbed his SnapBack and placed it on my head running away from him laughing still. He ran after me and then we walked when we were next to each other. He pulled his hood up again.

"The person I need to see isn't far away from here." I told him and he smiled across at me which made me blush...

We were walking for a long time in the rain and we walked down to where my sister was... I opened the door to a small cafe which was still open and then brought a few items of food and drink and stuff for my sister.

"Thank you." I thanked the lady behind the counter and Isac was staring at me weirdly.
"What?" I asked him and he stared at the bag in my hands.

"You brought a lot of food and drinks." He told me. Staying the obvious... And I rolled my lips in. He didn't understand why... We walked around a corner and I noticed a guy standing over my sister.

"Hey. Get away from her." I almost dropped the bag and ran over to my sister. I pushed the guy away and he groaned stepping forward... His teeth were crooked and he smelt like alcohol and cigarettes...

"Fuck off child." He went to take a swing at me which made me scream but Isac stood in front of me. The guy grunted and walked away.

"Marie are you okay?" I quickly asked her, cupping my hands on her cheeks. The tears were stinging my eyes.

"Jord. Why are you here?" She weakly smiled at me and I threw my arms around her neck hugging her as tight as I possibly could. Isac shoved his hands in his pockets just standing them not knowing what to do.

"Jord. Honestly you don't need to take care of me."

"But I do. I care about you so much Marie." The tears fell down my cheeks.
"I bring you food and drink whenever I can because I care about you. I work so I can buy you what you need Marie. You're the only person I have left worth living for." She whipped away my tears and smiled at me, kissing my forehead.

"You're the reason I'm still living baby girl. You're the best sister I could ever wish for." She hugged me tight and I noticed Isac smiling.

I took my back pack off and pulled out my blanket. Giving it to her.
"Take it." I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"But you've already given me so much." She smiled.

"Just take it." I started crying again. Zipping up my backpack  and throwing it over my shoulder again.

"Jordan has something happened? You don't cry this much. Did dad do worm thing. Tell me he didn't..." She stood up in anger and wrapped her arms around me.

"No sis he didn't do anything... This is just... Personal..." I told her and she pulled away.

"Are you in trouble?"

"I'm running away Marie.." I straight up told her and she looked shocked, stepping back and sitting down again, getting under the blankets.

"What?" She asked shocked.

"I'm running away. I can't take it..." I told her and she started crying.

"Jordan. You be always told me to never give up. You told me to stop agreeing with dad and stand up to him. You told me to always stay close. I'm here, right next to you. I never abandoned you..."

"Marie I know... I never abandoned you. I just..."

"What? You're the only person I have. Did you not think of that?" Marie was starting the raise her voice as the tears came streaming down. Isac took a step back as he didn't k ow what to do.


"No Jordan I don't know any to hear it. Are you seriously running away? That's like you're abandoning me... I can't let you go.."

"That's not your decision to make..." I yelled back at her.

"Oh yeah and whys that? I'm your big sister you're suppose..."

"Leaving home wasn't your decision either and look where we are now..." I yelled staring at her and completely regretting what I said.

"Marie I..." I suddenly started.

"Jordan just go." She lay down on the blankets and I could see her crying.


"Just go. You really are daddy's daughter..." She shot that insult at me before Isac grabbed me by the waist and pushed me away.


A lot of drama between Marie and Jordan. :o Poor Marie, kicked out and now being left by her sister. Can this get any worse? :o ;)


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