Chapter 2
Derek's POV:
I woke up in a shock as I tried to get my bearings. I looked down to check if any of my wounds were healed and noticed that I was covered in bandages. I stared in confuse as to how that happen, when I remembered that an attractive angel had save me. The wolf in me snorted and said 'All that blood you lost must have made you stupid to forget that face. I mean it was like nothing we've ever seen before. And her scent, it was like I died and went to heaven. I wonder if she tasted as good as she smells.' I had to agree with him. My savior's scent was heaven. She smelt like homemade chocolate chip cookies with hot chocolate on a cold winter night.
I looked around to find I was in a huge room with a huge black marble fireplace and huge floor to ceiling windows that were drawn close with white lace curtains that showed it was morning. The ceiling of the room was high and sported a chandelier that sparkled in the morning light. The walls were painted white and had pictures of what I guessed were friends and family in black frames. The floors were covered in plush white carpet, 'which was great for a good tumble on the floor with our angel' said the wolf. I ignore him. Over the huge fireplace was a flat screen Sony television. In front of me was a long glass coffle table with black legs. In front of the coffee table was a black plush couch with a sleeping form.
I slowly crawled over to where it was. I saw it was the girl who had found me last night sleeping peaceful. For some reason watching her sleep brought a smile to my face. I reached out a hand hesitantly and touched her face. My hand covered the whole left side of her face and her skin felt as soft and smooth as silk.
My stomach suddenly let out a hungry growl and I quickly moved back, waiting to see if I had woke her up but nothing happen. I released a sigh of relief. I slowly got up testing my limbs to see if I could walk on them or if I was going to need to wake my savior, 'oh do that then she can help you with something else too'. Then the wolf being his unhelpful himself, supplied me with some images that I don't need. I mentally groaned in frustration at his thoughts, wondering why he is suddenly taking an interest. My thoughts were soon cut short because my stomach growled even louder than before.
I walk into a big, modern kitchen. In the middle of the kitchen was an island with three stools on each side. In the front of the island were two big glass doors covered with light green curtains. The fridge was on the left side next to the kitchen countertop and sink. I walked to it and looked inside it. It was packed. I couldn't believe such a small girl could eat this much. I was thinking about what to eat, when I felt a slight breeze and then I felt something hard hit me in the of my head. "Ow" I mumbled as I turned around to see who and what had hit me, but there was no one there. I must have hit my head harder than I thought, I thought as I rubbed the back of head. As I turned back to the fridge, I felt that slight breeze again and that is when the room turned into chaos. Out of nowhere pots, pans, drawers, anything and everything around the room was been thrown at me by some invisible force.
Liz POV:
I popped into the kitchen because that is usually were Casey is, with her big bro, James. God I wish I wasn't dead; I'd love to see how he is in bed. Just thinking gets me hot and bother. Which is weird me being dead and all. But anyway, I was popping into the kitchen, when I saw a full on nude hot guy with a cute ass standing in front of the fridge. I thought the worst. Casey's a prune. There is no way she would had sex and not give Angel, Britt and I the details about it. Which is weird because he's hot and why would he do something like that when he can get anyone he wants?
OH MY GOD. He must be one of those creeps that get off on rapping innocent girls. That could only mean he took advantage of my poor little Casey. I got very angry at that thought. I lifted up my hand and threw a pot at his head. He turned around and that's when I let my powers go.
Casey POV:
I woke up feeling quite tired. I sat up and I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and that's when I noticed Blackie was gone. I got up quickly; worrying drove the sleep from my eyes as I looked around my living room. I wondered where he could have gone as injured as he was. I walked towards the door way and into the hallway hoping he wasn't lying somewhere in need. I heard noises in my kitchen and I ran towards it.
What I saw blew my mind. There in my kitchen stood a hot nude guy covering his face and other parts that made me blush, trying to fend off an angry Liz all at once. I started to talk to Liz trying to calm her down so she wouldn't destroy my kitchen and hurt the guy even though I didn't who he was. I had a feeling I knew him from somewhere, but I couldn't figure out where. Then I heard someone come in and yelled "WHAT THE HELL!" Damn, the situation just got worst I thought as I turned around to stare at my brother.

My Stray Werewolf
RomanceWhen Cassey passes an alley on the way home, she heards a sound that will change her life forever. All concerns,comments, and suggestions are welcome. Please vote if you enjoyed the chapter.