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I'm going to tell you a story, a story about not so long ago about when I was just a young pup. I was only a few months old when my mother turned on me, neglected me... Hated me. Because I was the runt, but I tell you don't underestimate me. I wandered the forests, dodged predators caught prey and survived all by myself being carful not to wander too far from my mother and older siblings, one night, after my tiny meal, as I settled for sleep a horrid smell wafted through the thick holly bush I was under. Quickly it hit me, I realized that was a wolfs stench. As I got up to run a huge gray wolf with scared limbs and chunks of fur missing, burst into my dense holly bushes and snapped at me and missed by a whisker, hackles raised I backed out of the bush and darted for my mothers den, this was a terrifying choice, I burst through the bush only to find her laying there, drenched in her own blood, her body in an odd angle, paws splayed, eyes glazed over and jaws gaping as if in one final snarl at the wolf that slaughtered her. As I look farther in all of my sibling slaughtered scarlet drops all over the den. My tail between my legs I ran as if the whole of the pack was after me as fast and as far as I could, stumbling over roots and rocks. Dizzy with confusion and fear, I looked back to see if I was followed but as I looked back there they were. I swear I saw the whole pack I doubled back and bolted towards the lake, I have seen dense undergrowth there and great hiding places but I look back again, nothing. As I look forward again I run straight into a tree and fall to the ground "Mother!" I call hoping I was dreaming, I look up and I see a she-wolf. I give up I thought sighing, I feel a tear run down my once soft fur. I thought I heard my mother call to me but before I can answer, everything goes black.

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