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Chy P.O.V

2 months later

" Chyanne Taylor" the receptionist said

I stood up and walked towards her

" right this way" she said

I followed behind her. Today I was meeting with the therapist my doctor recommended. I had been putting it off for 2 months, I decided to give it a chance but, I don't see how talking about my feelings to some stranger is going to make me feel better. I walked into her office and there was a couch, chair, a desk and a shelf

" nice to meet you Chyanne, I'm Dr. Cole" she said sticking her hand out

" Chyanne Taylor. Nice to meet you" I said shaking it

I sat on the couch and she sat in the chair. I stared at her for a moment

" so Dr. Martinez tells me you've been depressed, what's causing this"

" ummm my baby daddy got my best friend pregnant and kept it a secret from me for about 5 or so months"

" mhm I see, and how does this make you feel"

" there isn't a word to describe it. It's too many emotions"

" describe the emotions you felt when you found out"

" hurt, sad, betrayed, angry, mad, heart broken. I just feel so stupid because I really thought he changed and I was telling everyone he changed"

" and where are you right now"

" I don't know"

My eyes began to water, Dr. Cole handed me a box of tissue. I took some out and wiped my eyes and nose

" I don't know where to go or what to do. I don't wanna have this baby, all my happiness has just been taken away. I haven't been to my house in over a month because I can't stand being in that house. I've never hated a person as much as I hate them. I'm tired of crying and feeling this way, I can't eat or sleep I have to drag myself out of bed"

She wrote down some more notes and I wiped my eyes as tears began to fall again. We talked some more about my feelings and a little bit about what happened.

" so Chy I wanna see you again next week, so we can discuss this some more"

I got up and shook her hand, before I walked out the door I took my glasses out my purse and put them on. As I was walking through the parking lot I realized that I felt better after getting that off my chest. I looked at my watch and it was 4:30pm. Jordan was dropping Chyna off so I had to go to my house since I didn't want him knowing where I was staying.

I pulled up to my house it was now 5:20. It looked so different, I guess because I haven't been here for so long. I got out the car and walked up to the door, I stuck my key inside the door. I stood there for a minute contemplating on if I should go in I turned the knob and opened the door, I was expecting to see a mess but much to my surprise it was clean. I walked back into Chyna room Cj and Jeremiah must have cleaned my house that night I left. I walked into my room and sat on my bed, I missed my bed. I took my shoes off and laid in it, it was so comfortable. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep
Jordan P.O.V

"Daddy where we going" Chyna said in a whiny voice. I knew she was getting cranky since we had been driving around all day.

"I'm taking u to yo mama house" I said speeding down the road

"Ok" she said smiling eating her sucker

It's been about 2 months since I seen Chy. Shit prolly more than that cus I been picking  Chyna up from her moms house n shit. We pulled up to the house and sat in the car for a minute pulling out my phone to call Chy to tell her we was outside but she ain't answer. I got Chyna out the car and she ran up to the front door wen I caught up with her I unlocked it and let her in and started to say goodbye.

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