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Everyone watched squad 100 walk into the simulation as they moved out and looked for a way to get through the guards. The squad was made up of One guy and three girls. The One guy was Bruce, the others were about his age. Bruce carefully took care of the guards by knocking them out with one blow to the face as he hid the guards body. The Girls moved quietly as they made some distractions for the guards by knocing on the walls and moving fast. The Guards were fooled, They four met up at the device and claimed it.
However the timer didn't stop, they had to leave the area. Bruce held the device while the ither three created a diversion. The guards went towards the girls as they moved to cover. They weren't spotted for as Bruce had an opening as he ran to the exit and made it out. The girls followed and escaped successfully. The time ended with a total of five minutes and fifty one seconds. "Shit.... why were we first" one of the girls spoke "SQUAD 100, LISTEN FOR YOUR NAMES!"
The squad lined up "BRUCE COLLIER!" Bruce stepped forward as he responded "HERE SIR!" "Bruce!" Simon appeared as he clapped his hands "That was one powerful punch from my view." He pointed at the window as it showed his viewing room "Congratulations. Is there anything you would like you nickname to be?" Bruce was about to yell it out but Simon raised his hand "at ease..." Bruce nodded as he spoke "Muscles sir" "Congratulations Muscles." He shook his hand "Dismissed back to your dorm" Bruce nodded and jogged back to the dorm. "Kim Cannon, weve been told that you sent us a note about nicknames at the start. Since you knew they will be your nick names." The three smirked as they fist bumped each other "Kim you will be called Knox, Angelica Eisenhiwer you will be called Trickster, and Lucy Canon, you will be called Booms. Dismissed." They nodded and jogged back as the two sisters high fived each other. "Squad 099 you're up!" The Squad got in position as they ran to cover. Isaac observed them as a squadmate found a bucket of oil and split it on the pathway causing guards to slip. The four ran to the room immediately and picked up the device. They ran out immediately but a man just came back from a break. They were spotted. The simulation ended as Simon walked to them and slapped them all across the face. "That was like a shark trying to hunt with no teeth, Terrible effort. Your time in seconds is 257 seconds. I want that many pushups. Go" he moved them to the side as they did them "Dismissed. Next Squad, 098"
Ryan looked at Isaac as they whispered to each other "alright lets make a plan" He nodded as the squad was ready. "Alice, Brad huddle up..." they did so as they created a plan "Alice... you like to hurt them, take out the two on the pathway without using the oil" Alice nodded "Brad, toss a rock at the man at the building. Make it look like someone else hit him. After that ill slip through enemy lines while Ryan will take care of the two that you distracted Brad. Leaving us with only three guards." "What about the other three? They'll find us wont they?" Isaac shook his head "No... they wont" he smirked as they nodded. "Alright remember your pa-" Isaac was cut off by an alarm. His squad checked the Timer to see it stop on Four Minutes and fifty seconds. "Squad 098! Excellent work! You beat the fastest time! You can choose any squad to joi-" Simon was cutted off by one of the squad members "100, we want them" "Alright but Do remember this. If they dont accept... you Join the squad above you..." "099 wont be our team.." the Teen smirked with a grin that looked sinister "you must be..." "Thats right... Dwayne Cox.... son of the legend Davis Cox" Simon applauded. the drill Sergeants joined in as well as the other squads "Then Welcome aboard.... Legend"

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