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"So he left her behind..." Alice nodded as she looked back at him "At the funeral, His father didn't even show up... Dwayne did... he looked at me several times as he kept blabbering that it wasnt his fathers fault. I punched him as I cried there... I was with no parents. Yet he had his cowardly father. To think... he was going to be my step-brother." Alice placed her hand on my shoulder "Isaac Walters... I beg you, if that happens to me or anyone of our squad mates or anyone... dont abandoned us." He looked at her and placed his hand on her shoulder "I promise, will you do the same... and bring pain ti whoever holds us hostage" Alice smiled "copy that shadow..." they took their hands off their each other as they bkushed and looked at random directions. Alice slapped him a little as Isaac rubbed his face where she slapped him "dont tell anyone we had this conversation." "G-got it..." she sniled and stepped out and back into the dorm as Brad and Ryan recieved a folder "Whats that?" Isaac walked over to them. "We did it Isaac!" He handed him the folder as it showed Squad 100's profiles as it had a stano over the folder. It read "APPROVED!" "Squad 100 accepted to be with us?" They nodded "You did have a talk with muscles at first so we believed he likes you as a squad mate." "That is excellent" Isaac and the others got up and high fived each other as well as Alice. They looked at the tv to see them still doing the simulations with squad 063 now. On the screen it recorded how many squads finished, how many squads failed, how many squads beat the best time which is still at two. And they even showed all the squads that have failed. Squad 099, 093, 085, 072, and 064. "It looks like S.A.F.A. gas picked their groups wisely. Only five squads failed." They nodded as they checked the paper they recieved with their stuff as it told them to eat af the cafeteria now. Brads eyes widen as he squealed in happiness " ITS TINE TO CHOW DOWN!" they laughed at the same time as they walked towards the cafeteria which was at the opposite direction of the pit. While heading there, they saw a bunch of places to head to, a gym, a shooting gallery, and even a graveyard... "why do they have a graveyard inside the building?" "Beats me... its not good if we have our noses up Simon's stuff so lets butt out." They nodded as they continued to see all the squads that have completed the simulation. They saw Squad 100, 099, even 098. Bruce waved at them as they waved back. They went to them "Hey Muscles." Isaac extended his hand out as Bruce shook it "Shadow you did amazing. We are glad to help you along the way. " Ryan asked The sisters about the food "where did you get your meal?" They grinned "you're not gonna believe this. They have a machine that creates any meal you want! For free! "You're kidding me!" "Kid we not!" They pointed at the machine as the four ran up to it. "Hello squad 097, what would you like to have to eat 3D?" Ryan was so pumped "Pizza! With extra bacon!" The machine came out with 2 slices of pepperoni pizza with bacon as he grabbed it in surprised as he was astonished "Best Cafeteria ever." Brad ordered some chicken noodle soup as Alice ordered some potato balls with a small steak and steamed vegetables as Isaac grabbed the same thing and sat down with squad 100. They started to talk about the simulation in amusement as they finally took a bite out of their first S.A.F.A. meal.

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