Ezra's Vision

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I woke up in my tower that I had been living in since the Empire took my parents away.

Then I start to get dizzy , I suddenly start to see images of a man with brown hair in a ponytail.

I am on top of a roof and he then turns around and looks right where i'm standing.

But I duck out of sight before he sees me.

Then he walks near a lasat.

Wait I thought they were extinct what ever so then the lasat's eyes open when the man walked by.

Then I wake up and I found my self covered in sweat.

I hadn't had one of those dreamy things in a while. I kind of shut it out and ignored them.

I decided to head into town, and that's when my vision comes true.

I was on top of the roof like in my dream when I got this weird feeling and when I turned around the man with the ponytail was standing there.

When he turned around, I ducked out of sight and waited until he walked away.

Then I found my self being chased by Imperials and the Lasat and ponytail man.

The man and lasat chased me and then the lasat left and only the man followed me.

An Imperial ship blew up his speeder and I was able to get away or so I thought.

A group of Imperial TIEs found me but was blown up by the ponytail man's ship he had followed me too.

He offered me a ride and I took the offer . I've been with the rebels ever since.

" Good job meditating Ezra I can remember that day like it was yesterday." Kanan told Ezra.

" Thanks Master" Ezra replied.

" Ezra we have been together for a while now and..." Kanan began .

Ezra began to panic he thought he had done something wrong other than force push zeb and chopper sometimes.

Kanan could feel Ezra's panic building. " Ezra calm down your'e not in any trouble." Kanan spoke through the force.

" Wait we can talk through the force cool. So what were you saying." Ezra replied through the force.

" We have been Master and Padawan and I still don't know much about your past. Do you think you can tell me about your childhood?" Kanan said through the force.

Kanan could feel Ezra break off from the force. Ezra got up and sat in the corner in his protective ball position with his arms wrapped tightly around his knees.

Ezra began to cry and Kanan sent calming waves through the force to calm Ezra.

"You don't have to tell me if it is to hard on you" Kanan said .

" Its OK I can get through it." Ezra replied.

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