The Sortings

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I just found this hilarious! (and true)


Fiore Academy of Elite Magic? That's a strange name, and why are they going to go to classes with us? Anyway, the teachers went first. "Clive, Gildarts!" A red-haired man covered in bandages and a mechanical arm and leg went up to the Sorting Hat. "GRYFFINDOR!" the hat cried. "Awesome,, now he can tell us the story of how he lost his arm and leg!" said the twins joyusly. "Dreyar, Laxus!" Next was a tall, , blond man. "Blimey, his scar's bigger than mine!" said Harry. He was right, there was huge lightning shaped scar that went through his eye.. "SLYTHERIN!" the hat said. "Alberona, Cana!" Next was a drunk-looking woman wearing a black bikini top with a white jacket and some pants. "RAVENCLAW!" the hat said. This surprised me, that woman didn't look at all smart enough to be in Ravenclaw.. "Strauss, Elfman!" Next was a huge, burly man with white hair. It was funny that many of the students of the school had weird hair colors. "HUFFLEPUFF!" the hat cried. Everyone gasped. "It would make sense if he was in Slytherin or Gryffindor, but Hufflepuff?" Ron whispered "Nanagear, Orga!" After him was also a bulky man with green hair and tattoos. "SLYTHERIN!" I managed a sigh of relief. Professor Nanagear, however, was glaring daggers at Professor Dreyar. "Orland, Minerva!" Finally, a woman with dark hair and a strapless dress was sorted "Hermione, my scar hurts really bad," whispered Harry. That woman....... something was off about her. I could feel a dark aura around her. She had a sinister smile on her face that sent shivers up my spine. "RAVENCLAW!"

3rd Person POV

"Dragneel, Natsu!" The giddy pink haired guy sat on the stool. "GRYFFINDOR!" "Heartfilia, Lucy!"A extremely pretty girl with blond hair stepped up. The guys couldn't help but stare at the beautiful blond. The girls started to glare at her. "GRYFFINDOR!" Hermione did not like this one bit. "Scarlet, Erza!" A even more pretty woman with blood red hair. The moment the hat touched her head, the hat screamed, "GRYFFINDOR!" The Fairy Tail students weren't fazed. They knew how much courage Erza possessed."They sure do have pretty girls," said Ron while drooling. "Strauss, Mirajane!" A smiling white-haired woman put the hat on her head. "SLYTHERIN!" the hat screamed after a while. People were confused on how such a sweet looking girl could be in the 'evil' house. "McGarden, Levy!" A short girl with blue hair stepped up. "RAVENCLAW!" "Redfox, Gajeel!" A very tall and scary looking man with nails in his face.The second the hat touched his head, the hat yelled,"SLYTHERIN!" "Marvell, Wendy!" The youngest of the school nervously walked to the stool. "HUFFLEPUFF!" The girl, named Wendy, hopped off the stool with a smile. "Fullbuster, Gray!" A raven-haired man was wearing the school jacket but no shirt. The girls were literally drooling at the sight of his abs. "GRYFFINDOR!" A certain Gryffindor named Lavender Brown sighed. I wonder if he's single. "No way, get your house, you popsicle!" yelled a certain pink-haired guy."If I could, I would've done it already! You Ash Brain!" Gray yelled back. "Agria, Yukino!" A quite adorable white-haired chick seemed a little nervous. "HUFFLEPUFF!" Yukino, quite pleased with the hat's choice. "Lore, Rufus!" A elegant looking man whose face was covered by a red mask was sorted. "RAVENCLAW!" "Cheney, Rogue!" The black-haired teen looked extremely bored. "SLYTHERIN!" That was no surprise. "Eucliffe, Sting!" I hope I get Gryffindor, but Hufflepuff would be okay. "GRYFFINDOR!" Sting was happy to be with a least Natsu, but he had hoped to be with Yukino. "Evergreen!" People, not including Fairy Tail, were whispering about how she had such a weird name. Elfman knew she was pretty smart, so he was a little disappointed when the hat yelled, "RAVENCLAW!" Next was Lisanna, and the students of Hogwarts were happy to know that one of their house predictions were correct. Lisanna had gotten Hufflepuff.  Bickslow was last. "Hey 'Mione? Why does that guy have strange mask?" asked Ron to Hermione with a little fear in his voice. "I don't know, but he looks rather suspicious, doesn't he?" she replied. "HUFFLEPUFF!" That's when everyone's jaws were touching the floor.
A/N: The Fiore student's ties will change to their respected houses.

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