Episode 6, Part 2

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Chris: And we're back!

Chef: You're next dish is (everyone opens the lids) Ice cream, but we had Courtney's ice cream as an inspiration for this round. 

Chef holds up ice cream similar to the one Courtney made in season 5, in the episode "Sundae Muddy Sundae."

Anthony: That looks disgusting!

Chris: Its normal ice cream topped with bird poop and burnt chocolate. We tested to see if it was edible and our intern just came back from the hospital because of food poisoning. 

Anthony: That's insane!

Chris: But it's cool! Right?

Gwen: You're sick McLean!

Chris: I know. Now eat!

Eva: How am I going to eat this?

Scott: Just scarf it down. That's what I did with foods I didn't like back at the farm. Just get it over with you know?

Scott began to eat the food as fast as he could

Eva: Wait! Don't...

Scott threw up

Eva: Of course...

Chris: And Scott is out!

Chef grabs Scott and throws him out the cafeteria.

Jose: I can't eat it this...

Alejandro: Oh yes you can!

Alejandro grabs the ice cream and stuffs it down Jose

Jose was about to throw up

Alejandro: Don't you dare spit that out you weakling.

Jose gulped his puke

Alejandro: Good.

Jose: Now you're turn!

Alejandro: Huh?

Jose did the same as Alejandro did to him, only now, Alejandro threw up.

Jose: Looks like you're the weakling, Al!

Chris: And Alejandro is out!

Blaineley: Why would you that! We're on the same team!

Justin is seen eating the ice cream with ease.

Blaineley: That's it! I give up!

Blaineley is walking out of the cafeteria.

Jose: Where do you think you're going?

Blaineley: Anywhere, but here! 

Chris: And I guess Blaineley is out too.


Justin: Finally


Justin threw up everywhere! On the walls. On the floor. On Jose!


Justin: I had to make Blaineley think that I had a way to make it seem like the taste wouldn't affect me. I hoped that would start an alliance between us.


Max: This place is disgusting. I'm out of here.

"Mike": Where are you going? We have a challenge to do!

Max: Don't care.

Jose throws up as well

Chris: Justin, Max, and Jose are out! The Fancy Heroes are first to be fully eliminated.

As time passed by, The Puny Heroes were able to win, with Anthony, Mike, and Zoey left.

Chris: The remaining contestants in The Puny Heroes can decide which team they would like to vote out.

"Mike": I think we should vote for the Sporty Maniacs.

Anthony: No! We should vote for the Fancy Villains. Think about it. The Sporty Maniacs will never get along and sooner or later, they'll tear each other apart. They're a dysfunctional team. But the Fancy Villains have smart and strategic players. 

Zoey: He's right Mike.

"Mike": Fine.

Anthony: We've made our decision. We vote out the Fancy Villains!


The Fancy Villains

Alejadro: This was all your fault Jose!

Jose: I think you're mistaken. It's your fault.

Justin: Will you guys stop arguing for just one minute! 

Chris: If I call your name, you are safe. Justin Blaineley........... And the final vote goes to................................................................................... JOSE!

Alejandro: What! I'm eliminated? How?

Jose: Because you're annoying, probably.

Alejandro: You must have rigged it!

Justin: Nope, I voted for you.

Blaineley: Same here.

Alejandro: But... I...

Justin: Alejandro! You used to be one of the scariest, the most manipulative, and the most evil person on this series and all you've been doing this season was complain about your brother! I think it's time you go!

Chris: He's right. Sorry dude.

Chef goes and puts the backpack on Alejandro.

Alejandro: Press it. Now!

Chef presses the button, sending Alejandro off to the sky.

Chris: Who will be next to leave the island? Will Blaineley warm up to Justin? Will the Sporty Maniacs get along? Find out in the next episode of TOTAL DRAMA VILLAINS!

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