Chapter 30

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Michiko irked at the sight she is witnessing right now.

"Very nice... Very nice..." Jiraiya grinned as he ogled women playing water.

"Hey." Naruto called out.

"Looks like they're enjoying themselves."

"Hey!" Naruto called again. Michiko put a hand up to stop Naruto.

Even though he is my sensei's sensei, and sort of my sensei as well... But this has to stop.

Jiraiya was too engrossed in watching the ladies and did not notice Michiko closing in with chakra wrapping around her fist, ready to give him a punch. She made sure that the amount of power she uses does not kill him, just right enough to make him learn his lesson. Michiko moved closer and closer, pulled her arm back and aimed right at Jiraiya. Jiraiya was hit (hard) and flew a few metres away.

"Jiraiya-sama, are you done watching?" Michiko smiled. Jiraiya and Naruto shivered at the smile.

Jiraiya got up and coughed a little from the impact of the punch. "M-Michiko, since when did you become another Tsunade? Even though that punch was nothing like hers..."

"Of course it was nothing like Tsunade-sama's. She'd have killed you... Anyway, you're supposed to train Naruto! Stop ogling at women!" Just as Michiko finished, the ladies who were playing water went off.

Jiraiya sighed. "Okay. Naruto, I'm going to teach you a move." Michiko leaned against a tree as she watched the two of them.

"Are you really going to?" Naruto doubted.

"Do you remember the two different kinds of chakra I talked to you about yesterday?"


"You were talking about your blue and red chakra, remember?"

"Uhn. What about it?"

"When you gained enormous power, you said you felt red chakra, right?"

"Uhn, it felt like that."

"Try and mold some of that red chakra now."

"Even if you tell me to, I don't think... but I can try." Naruto focused and tried to do what Jiraiya said but...

"Well?" Jiraiya asked.

"Hmmm no, it's different. It was my usual chakra."

"Geez, you have no talent at all!"

"Don't act so bossy! I'm not really sure about the two chakra thing anyway!" Naruto whined.

"Just keep trying."

Naruto tried again. After a while... "It's not working at all. I can only mold my normal chakra. Na Ero Sennin, how are the red chakra and the move you're about to teach me related to each other?"

"Listen up, boy. The move I'm about to teach you can't be used with your current amount of chakra. So, you need to be able to call up the humongous chakra sleeping within you at any time... and be able to use it."

"But how do you know that such chakra lies within me, Ero Sennin?"

"Thank you for asking. That's because... I'm a Sennin."

Both Naruto and Michiko sweat dropped at the answer.

Well, not like Jiraiya-sama can tell him the reason explicitly.

"That didn't answer anything."

"Anyway, the special chakra that only you have will become your best weapon."

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