Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

“Y-E! L-L! Everybody yell, say everybody yell!” Brooke cheered, clapping her pompoms together and pivoting on each foot with the older, much taller girls. Nearly nine o’clock, and the breeze was picking up. Not to mention, that evening, it had gone from sunny and warm to cloudy and cool. Now, it was getting later and later, and the sun had gone to bed. It wasn’t even half time yet, and Brooke was already exhausted. She’d been to school, then dance, and now she stood at the football game in her short skirt and sleeveless shell top. Her hair was a bit messy. On either side of her head, Brooke’s hair was braided into a pony tail a medium-low pony tail with her white bow fastened tightly around her thin hair. Fly-away hairs famed Brooke’s round, made-up face. Boys hooted and hollered at her every time she’d jump or tumble or kick. The buzzer blew, signaling half-time.

“HOTTIE HYLAND!” Brooke heard being shouted from the crowd as she bent down to grab her pom poms she had just dropped seconds before. Brooke stood back up and pressed her eye lids shut. She tried not to turn around and go off on the boys. She liked the attention, but she just wasn’t in the mood. Besides, Vinny was sitting right there on the other side of the gate with a few of his buddies and a few of Brooke’s friends. Brooke real friends, that is.

Tori was in the crowd like always. Instead of sitting front row with Vinny and Jessica, she was a few rows back with Claudia and Kasey, two of Brooke’s old friends. Brooke lost Claudia and Kasey in a similar way that she lost Tori. One day, Kasey stopped responding to Brooke’s texts. It must’ve been during the late fall or early winter of Brooke’s eighth grade year. Brooke could never hang out. They were busy filming season two of Dance Moms. She traveled every weekend and sometimes was gone for a week or two at a time. She was checked out of school early. She barely even started coming too. When Claudia tried to reconnect the two of them, all three of them ended up breaking up their friendship. Brooke was called spoiled, but at least it was to her face and not behind her back. Not behind her back to her friends. Brooke turned and looked at Vinny, smiling in the front row. A comfortable, loving face was always nice to see. Especially before half time. Brooke glanced up to Tori sitting with Kasey and Claudia.

“Looks like you have a hate club, Hyland.” The water boy said, barely being heard over the roar of the crowd. Kids got up and walked around. The chatting became louder, and the football players left the field. Taking their helmets off and exchanging sweaty kisses with their girlfriends. Brooke glanced from Jon, the water boy, to Vinny once more. Brooke was barely tall enough to see over the fence that separated the field from the bleachers. Skipping back quickly, Brooke stood up on her tip toes in her nice, warn out cheer shoes. Vinny knew what she wanted exactly. He lunged forward, meeting her kiss at just the right time. Sweet as candy were her lips on his. Brooke giggled, happy for the first time since the Tori incident.

“Three months I waited for that.” Vinny whispered.

“Fifteen years I waited for that.” Brooke said, giggling and then skipping off with her team. Vinny wasn’t aware that Brooke hadn’t had her first kiss yet. He thought that it was just no big deal. He thought she just wanted to be like the older girls. As Brooke rejoined her team, an older girl, Samantha, bent down and congratulated her on her first kiss. Brooke was thrown off by that. She didn’t know that everyone else knew, but they just did.

Jon had a disappointed look though. He’d always kinda had a crush on her, since seventh grade at least. Brooke turned him down every time he tried to ask for a date or for anything, really. Gum. Pencils. Even a sheet of paper. She just kinda ignored him. He wasn’t bad looking, just not Brooke’s type. They occasionally tweeted each other, but it wasn’t like they were best friends. Vinny and Brooke were best friends before they started dating three months before then.

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