Chapter 1

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My alarm clock pulls me out of the nightmare.

It's the some one I've had almost every night since I've broken up with him 3 years ago.

A lot has happened in the past 3 years.

Zayn tried out for the XFactor and made it through as a group with 4 other boys. He called me every night at 6:30 telling me he still loved me. But the calls stoped about a year ago just like I predicted. He's come to Bradford a few times to visit and at first when he visited he would stop by my flat to check on me but I would never answer the door.

2 years ago I was signed to a record label. Everyone knows who I am now. Every time I step out of my flat there's paparazzi waiting for me outside the gate.

My manager wants me in a relationship soon but Im not ready. I loved Zayn but I knew he would forget about me.

I've changed a lot since Zayn left. I got my braces off and I've gotten contacts. Last week I also died my hair a blond. Im not even sure if he remembers my name.

Zayn's changed a lot too. His hair is always pushed up into a quiff and it has a blond streak in it. His body is fit and he no longer has a roundish face. He has so many tattoos.

I slowly sit up and trudge into my living room where my stylist is.

"Good morning Miss Swan." Jessie greats me.

"How many time have I told you to call me Camryn?" I asked.

"Like a million." She admits. "Here. wear this." She says and throws some clothes into my lap. "You go back to London today." She explains.

So that explains why she's here and why I hear Taylor, my manger, in my kitchen talking to someone on the phone.

"Ok." I say and walk into my bathroom to change into the gray sweatpants and tight white tank top. I pull my gray Jack Wills hoodie on and tie my hair up in a messy bun and walk back out.

"Hurry up Cam. Your plane leaves in 3 hours." Taylor says.

"Shit!" I curs and run back to my room.

I pull out my suitcase and start throwing random cloths into it. I zip it up and walk back out. I pull on my Supras and head out the door with Taylor and Jessie following me.

I hop in to Taylor's car and she starts for the airport.

"So you'll be landing in London at about noon. You have a meating with management at 12:30 to discuss somethings. Other than that your day will be free." Taylor explains.

"What will we be discussing today?" I ask.

"Your new album, your relationship status, tour dates for you album, interviews. Stuff like that."

"Ok." I say and turn up the radio.

"Up next is 'Come And Get It' by Camryn!" The radio host says and the song begins.

"That was this weeks number one single 'Come And Get It' by Camryn." The radio host says. "And here 'Kiss You' By One Direction" he says and the song starts.

I quickly turn the station and sit back.

A few minutes later Taylor pulls up I the airport and we walk in the back entrance so Im not mobbed by the paps.

We walk in and head to the gate and get on the plane.

"So what do I have planed for the next few weeks?" I ask Taylor.

"Well you have the meeting today. Tomorrow I think management is having you go to dinner with someone. Uhh Tuesday you have an interview with Pop magazine. Wednesday you have a signing. Thursday you have a photo shoot with Beat Magazine, a photo shoot and interview with J-14. Friday you have the Brits award show. You also are presenting award for best group artist of the year. Then the weekend is yours." She explains.

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